25 ~ Easy there handsome!

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Hey thank you everyone for the 500+ comments on the last chapter 🙈 As promised I gave an early update in ten days💃 Just waiting for 100k reads 😍 and let's make the comment section glow with a huge number of comments!

From now onwards I'll dedicate the chapters to the active readers( those who comment and vote regularly) Who knows you'll be the next to whom the next chapter will be dedicated ❤️

This chapter is dedicated to _littlebitcrazy_

Listen to the song Can't help falling in love with you by Hailey Reinhart!

Inline comments are ❤️

-Aranya Iyer-

I woke up as the sunbeams peeping through the curtains illuminated my room, err, Vihan's room, err, our room! My eyelids were still heavy when the smell of freshly baked French toast and poached egg wafted in the air. Rubbing my eyes, I found Vihan standing at the foot of the bed holding a tray of breakfast with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Good Morning ShortCake! Here's your yummy breakfast!" He greeted and I felt his weight settling next to me.

"You made all this?" I asked stiffling a yawn.

"Nah just got them delivered by the restaurant!" He smiled goofily.

"Great! But first let me brush my teeth!" I rolled off the bed.

"Fine until then I'm making the coffee!" I showed him a thumbs up and returned to the bathroom of my room. Yeah I had shifted to his room but my belongings still happened to be in my room. So very soon I got to shift everything from my single room to our room.

Completing the morning rituals, I took a warm shower and a sense of morning freshness engulfed me. Walking out of my room in a bathrobe, I entered his room and found him reading The New York Times.

"So let's start!" I smiled and occupied the couch next to him.

"It's really yummy!" I licked my tongue and found him staring at me.

"What?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"You look sexy when you do that!" He smirked.

"Do what?" I blurted out and then realised what he meant.

"Idiot Longosaur!" I huffed and stuffed his mouth with the toast. He uttered some incoherent words that wasn't audible because his mouth was full. I clicked a picture and showed him.

"I'm not gonna spare you!" He growled and pounced at me.

"Take it easy! You'll spill the coffee!" I warned but Vihan being the avenger chased me like a mad bull.

I was new to his room so anyhow I jumped here and there like a monkey until he grasped my wrist in the sun lit balcony.

"You idiotic baboon just let me go!" I cried.

Instead of letting me go he pulled me into a tight hug cutting off the circulation to my lungs. The knot on my robe opened, and I prayed to God so that nothing embarassing happens. It's not like that he hadn't seen me in my undergarments but since the new feeling has started nurturing in my heart, I would feel shy because it's not that easy to show off your assets to a guy until and unless you're engulfed in the fire of passion and deep love.

I stood there with my hands resting on my side. As he sensed it, he drew apart, and held my gaze and then again hugged me tighter than before. Gradually my hands reached his back feeling the tensed muscles under my hands. I felt his heart racing at miles with my touch. Our beautiful moment came to a drastic halt when his phone went off all of a sudden.

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