13~Are you drunk?

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First of all A Very Happy New Year 2019 to all my readers. Hope this year brings positivity and luck in our lives.

And yayyy an update!

Unedited part!

This chapter is dedicated to Ashkiks

Inline comments please😋

-Aranya Iyer-

A month passed and it was the end of the year. Well this year hadn't been an awesome year for me as I was forced to tie the knot with the person I hated the most. But nothing can be done when your fate plays with you.

I was sipping coffee sitting near the window overlooking the city decked up in lights. It was cold wintry night and I was in my warmest clothes. I was reading one of my favourite books named Wuthering Heights. A scene of romance had come up and my mind went back to the night of Halloweens when Vihan had kissed me right in front of my biological sister. That was embarrassing and at the same time enthralling.

That night I had hardly any sleep, my mind replaying the sudden kiss numerous times until it was morning. Anger did play it's role here, but the feeling of something good accompanied it that the former couldn't last longer in my head. A smile would find its way on my lips as I remembered his kiss, probably our first, and the replay of me kissing him back would make me hide my face in the pillows.

After a long time I felt someone's lips on mine. The feeling was raw yet long lasting one but hey I didn't feel anything for Vihan yet. And I would never feel because I hated him, remember?

However, Vihan's behaviour had changed since our kiss until the last two weeks. He wasn't that bossy anymore, he behaved somewhat different. It was good so far as work was concerned but the moment he would see me with Dylan he would change like a chameleon changes it's colour. Typical Vihan!

I forgot to mention that Vihan was bipolar and I found it in the third week of November. At one time he would behave like a normal person and the other moment he would consider me a flu and would try his best to keep a distance from me. Strange right?

Anyways talking about my two friends, Stella and Dylan, we three formed a close knit group literally hanging out every weekend and of course during leisure hours in the office and this would definitely irk my darling husband cum boss Mr Vihan Malhotra.

When Stella wouldn't be there, especially the last two weeks of November, Dylan and I spent most of the time together partying and clubbing together on friday nights. I would come home late and found a frowning Vihan waiting for me in the living room. Why did he care to stay late at night? I had already made it clear that we would live the way we want, with no interference from each other. Just like I didn't stop him from bringing sluts, he shouldn't interfere in my late night ventures.

It's not that Vihan and I had a huge argument, it's just that I didn't like the looks he gave me when I would return home drunk at odd hours of night. I wasn't too drunk I could walk on my own except this Friday when Dylan dropped me to our penthouse. I had drunk a lot and could find two- two Vihan glaring at me in my drunkenness. It was amusing for sure and what was more funny that when he came to help me to my room I threw up all the contents over him and muttering a sorry I passed out.

And the next morning I found myself in my bed in a clean night wear. Shit did he change me? That was the first question I asked myself when I woke up in the morning but thankfully it was the housemaid who Vihan had called to clean up the mess I created. I heaved a sigh when Vihan answered placing a glass of lemon water on the kitchen counter. Good he showed his gentlemanliness!

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