05 | Tutor

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The day surprisingly flew by quickly and before I knew it the school day was over. I ended up avoiding Kayla and her group the entire day. Luckily I only have one class with them which happens to be math.

During lunch, I ended up meeting Zayden in the cafeteria and he asked if he was able to tutor me after his hockey practice. I agreed and asked for a location and he recommended my house.

I was very hesitant about it but I agreed and he asked me to come watch his hockey practice, then he could drive us both back to my house.

I said I'd think about it because one I barely know the guy, two just no.

I ended up discussing it with Tate and she agreed to come watch the practice with me since her boyfriend was on the team anyways.

School is over so Tate is leading me to the hockey rink. The school is way too big for this, and they somehow fit a literal hockey rink in it.

Kayla just happened to be there. After I spent the entire day avoiding her, I saw her sitting near the rink. She's with her little crew again.

I learned their names throughout the day.

Kayla, Edan, and Trisha.

Kayla gives me a death stare as Tate and I sit near the rink.

Tate just says to ignore her and focus on the practice. It was honestly so boring.

The practice continued for another hour before it was finally over. I dreaded that so much.

Tate met up with her boyfriend and waved goodbye to me as I stayed seated waiting on Zayden.

I started to play with my fingers again. It was a habit, plus I was about to get in a car with a person I barely know.

He seems somewhat genuine but me talking to him for like five minutes doesn't count.

Unlike Tate, we spent the entire day talking to each other so I could say I trust her a little. Although I'm not a trustworthy person.

Minutes later Zayden finally appears on my rear side. "Hey, Aliyia," he says, taking a seat beside me.

"Hi" I mumble.

"Do you have all the books we need?" He asks, trying up the laces of his white converse.

I simply nod.

I follow him out of the school into his car, he sets up a GPS and drives to my new home.

Remembering I don't have a bed or couch we can work on I start bouncing my leg up and down. I felt really nervous and I felt he would judge me.

Even though it's not my fault our furniture is coming later than expected, I just felt the need to explain to him.

But I can't find the words.

He for sure took notice something was wrong due to my facial expression and my leg.

"Hey is everything okay? I'm sorry am I making you nervous?" he asks genuinely.

"No, it's just um" I struggle to find the words. "Since we just moved in, our furniture is coming late so I don't have a bed or couch we can work on." I exhale.

His expression stayed the same like it didn't matter to him.

"Oh don't worry, I don't mind," he says with a smile.

That sorta set my nervousness down. Although I still felt nervous because I'm bringing someone into my home.

I don't know why we couldn't have just worked in the library or something.

I just know after he leaves my mom's gonna ask all sorts of questions. She's always wanted me to have a boyfriend for whatever reason. Sometimes it can get annoying how she taunts me whenever a boy comes over.

We pull up to my house and I unlock the door to find nobody home. Thank the heavens.

"You have a really nice home," he says taking off his shoes.

"Thanks," I say awkwardly.

Oh my goodness I'm so fucking awkward, I wonder how he hasn't ditched me already.


He's been tutoring me for almost two hours now. We are currently studying for the test I have to take at the end of the week. After that, he'll begin teaching me the current unit.

I've learned a little more about him over the past two hours.

Actually, the first ten minutes were spent with him talking about his life and everything.

According to his words, he's been playing hockey since he was six years old. He's always wanted to play professional hockey in the NHL ever since he learned about hockey.

"Would you like a snack or something?" I ask standing up from the floor.

He lifts his head from the textbook and looks me straight in the eye. "No thank you" he kindly says, turning his attention back to the textbook.

I grab myself a glass of ice-cold water as I make my way back to our studying area.


Another hour of studying before he finally closes up his textbook.

"Sorry I have to start going now" he puts his textbook in his bag. "How about you work on these questions and we can work on it together tomorrow, alright?" he speaks, pointing to the questions in my textbook.

"Mhm," I hum.

When he's leaves I let out a groan I've been wanting to let out. No way a student just assigned me homework.

It was almost 9 pm, and for the first time in a while, I felt like sleeping early.

I leave the living room floor after packing up all the materials I used for my tutoring session and go straight to my room.

After I got changed, I crashed into my blankets and fell victim to sleep.

Authors Note

I have nothing to say but I feel like making an author's note.

I started my period today and I'm gonna kill myself omg.

also, give me chapter ideas to keep the book interesting because I feel like boring you guys with this 💐

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