33 | Merry Christmas

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Zayden fucking Gryant, my best friend since childhood is kissing me right now. And I'm standing in shock as if I didn't see it coming. And also because I have no damn clue how to fucking kiss someone back.

He pulls away from my lips, his hand remaining on my cheek, and frowns. "I'm sorry, did you not want that?" Oh God, I did want that.

I shake my head and avoid eye contact. "No, I do it's just" I stare at the cement below me. Zayden hums and I can tell he's staring at me. "Of course, I want this you idiot, I just don't know how to kiss someone back." It sounds so embarrassing I know, but exactly how do I do it? I need written instructions and a demonstration.

Zayden just smirks at me. "That's okay, ill teach you. Just follow my lips," I have a feeling I'll mess that up too but I just nod and lean into the kiss.

I can feel the raindrops on my face when I meet Zayden's lips again. The hand on my cheek was cold from the rain.

And just like that, I'm kissing Zayden. I do exactly what he told me to do and followed his lip movements. I'm sure I messed it up at the start but eventually, I got the hang of it. It's not so hard. Why have I never kissed anybody in my life?

Zayden's hands traveled to my waist while mine reached out to wrap around his neck. Is it bad for friends to kiss like this? Probably not.

It's just all in the moment that's all.


After what felt like the best hours of my life, Zayden pulls away from my lips, his hand remaining on my waist. "Wow." He blurts, a smile creeping onto his face. "Sorry if that wasn't good," I apologize, avoiding his expression.

"Wow," he says again. When I look up at him his eyes are lit up, and he looks happy, shocked, and amazed all in one.

I tilt my head in confusion, my arms retreating from his neck. "That was fucking amazing, Ali. Who taught you how to kiss like that?" You.

I shrug. "Well, I did follow your lead as you told me to." His arms retreat from my waist and are tucked into the pocket of the onesie. That stupid smirk that makes me feel things in my stomach returns to his face.

"Well, shall we head back?" He checks his phone and his smirk widens. "Can you believe it, Ali? We kissed all the way to Christmas." Holy shit.

My eyes widen. "Wait what?" He nods. "Yup, I assumed it turned twelve o clock in the middle of our kiss," stupid smirk.

Well, that's shocking. I put on my hood to cover my hair from the pouring rain. Zayden begins to walk away and signals for me to follow him.

"So, did you enjoy your first kiss?" I can practically hear the smirk on his voice. My cheeks get heated and I look down to avoid him seeing the red that's probably on my face. "Mhm," I hum.

"What was that? Use your words, Ali" He's doing this on purpose. "Yes, I enjoyed it Zayden." This is so embarrassing.

I hear him hum in response and seconds later he wraps one arm around my waist while we continue to walk back to the beach house.

Butterflies are flapping around my stomach right now. That was so unexpected but I don't mind. It totally doesn't make me want to scream into my pillow later.

My Notes To YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon