35 | Messed Up

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I wasn't sure what was with the random kind gesture but honestly, I don't mind it.

I started my period last night when Zayden and I snuck out and I didn't even realize until I woke up this morning. My Pikachu onesie was stained so much and it leaked through onto my bed. I actually wanted to cry.

After all that I simply became moody. Can you blame me? Periods fucking suck ass.

"Sooo," I hear Zayden say from beside me, our bodies inches apart as we walk. "Sooo," I repeat.

I don't have to look at him to know he's already smiling. He does that a lot recently and I love it.

Suddenly a sharp pain shoots me in my lower abdomen, causing me to wince a little. Zayden takes notice of that and grabs my hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Um," he clears his throat. "I don't necessarily know how much pain you're feeling right now, but if I could fix it I promise I would."

That was almost cute.


I give him a side eye and reply sarcastically. "Thanks, appreciate it," Zayden chuckles a little. "Anytime, Ali."

As we enter the convenience store, I try not to make a run for the ice cream section. I've been craving ice cream all day, especially on a hot day like today.

Zayden makes his way to the candy section with me following behind. He stands in front of the candy and eyes it like he's thinking carefully before turning to me. "See anything you want?"

I scan the candy and sour straps immediately catch my eye. "Those," I point to the sour candy.

Zayden picks up two packages of candy instead of one. "Anything else?" He asks, holding both candies in one hand.

I scan the candy once again and the only thing that catches my eyes are sour patches. There's something about sour candies.

Once again, Zayden picks up two of the packaged sour patches and holds them in his other free hand. "Why so much sweet things?"

I give him a "really?" look because that was a stupid question. We are standing in front of a sugar-filled aisle, what did he expect?

He laughs. "Yeah, yeah, I know." Good.

"Anything else you want here?" He asks, beginning to walk to the cashier. I shake my head and follow him to the cashier.

Shit my ice cream.

Before I can say anything Zayden already handed the cashier a ten-dollar bill. Fuck.

He takes the plastic bag and gestures for me to walk with him.

My ice cream though.

Zayden examines my face for a moment before speaking out. "Something wrong, Ali? You look devastated."

I am. My ice cream.

I shake my head and reach my hand into the bag to grab something. When my hand retreats from the bag I see I picked out the sour straps. This can make up for the ice cream for a while.

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