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20 year old Hattie lives in the shadows while her older brother PJ lives in the spotlight.

Everything changes when Hattie turns 21 and she starts getting invited to her brothers gigs and events with his band. That is where Hattie meets bad boy bass player Cole. Cole is what you may consider the typical bad boy guitarist. Covered in tattoos, several piercings and that jerk like bad boy smile. But Hattie sees a softer side to him, or maybe it is just his adorable dimples that she can't resist staring at.

What happens when Hattie locks eyes with the one man who has paid her attention? What trouble will it cause? And most importantly, what will big brother PJ think?


"Careful there angel" said a voice from behind me

Suddenly I was pulled up from near the floor into a large pair of arms. I turned round to thank the kind man with the hunky voice that saved me and instead was met with the softest most mischievous dimples I had ever seen.

His arms, that were still holding me up right, were covered in tattoos. An eyebrow piercing donned his right eyebrow and he had the most piercing blue and green eyes.

It took me a moment to process what had happened and also that I was standing in front of the most handsomest man I had ever laid eyes on.

"I am not an angel" I said pulling my arm out from his and crossing my arms over my chest

He chuckled. "Well then I must be dreaming"

His confidence was almost arrogant. Like he was used to getting his own way. A mummy's boy but a mischievous one at that. His dimples told a thousand stories and I just wanted to find out more. But instead the mysterious man winked at me and walked off leaving me feeling dissatisfied. Who was this man and where could I find him again?

Thankyou for choosing to read my story! I have been wanting to right another Brothers Best Friend story since finishing my last one. Writing is a way to escape reality and live in a fantasy land for a while so please enjoy!  I hope you can all get on board with the story line and enjoy meeting dimples and his angel.

For reference, I don't like using pictures or using character boards. I like people to make their own decisions on what the characters look like and what other things they like, so there won't be many pictures like that in this story.

Enjoy! Please vote and comment!

Ellie x-

Thankyou for reading! 

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