Spend the night?

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After arriving back at the band house I quickly went upstairs to PJ's closet to put on something more comfortable. My bikini still slightly damped from when he threw me in the water and my cover up not leaving much up to the imagination. 

I debated putting on something of Cole's instead, wanting to be smothered in his scent again. But PJ would have been incredibly confused. And I wasn't ready for that level of interrogation just yet. Grabbing a t-shirt and a pair of football shorts I got changed quickly before going back downstairs. 

"Grab us those chips will you?" yelled PJ from the front room. I went into the kitchen to find Cole with his head in the fridge. 

"10 burgers didn't fill you up either did it?" I asked grinning at him 

"There's only one thing I want to fill angel and its definitely not my stomach" smirked Cole as he turned around to face me 

My jaw dropped open in disbelief. 

"One day princess" He began pulling me into him, my mind still rewinding that comment "You will be all mine"

He leant his head down and his teeth tugged on my lip. I let out a small moan as he continued placing small butterfly kisses down my neck. The sexual frustration only building as he slipped his hands up my shirt. 

"The chips!" yelled my brother again 

Cole pulled away groaning banging his head against the fridge door. "We better go" he said. I nodded and followed him out the room. 

This could be a long night


"Fine. But I will only agree to it because Tom Holland is the sexiest man to ever walk on planet earth" I said crossing my arms in a huff. 

The boys had all agreed on watching spider man. Tom Holland being the god he was, was the only thing that made this film bearable. Though I wasn't sure it would hold my interest enough for all 3 of the films, my eyes would have to stay firmly on him in the hope it'd keep me awake. 


I was sat on the side of the couch. My brother next to me upside down almost hanging off fast asleep. Looking around me I noticed that Fraser and Logan were asleep too. My eyes landing on Cole I felt his eyes already on mine. He winked at me. 

"You alright angel?" he whispered, not wanting to wake up the boys

"Mmmhmm" I said wearily 

Cole laughed and motioned me to get up. Him climbing out of his seat also and holding his hand in mine. "Where are we going?" I asked, continuing to whisper 

"Come on" he replied 


He had walked me to his bedroom shutting the door firmly behind him. 

"But what if someone wakes up?" I asked as he pushed my back into the wall next to his bed

"Have you met them? They would sleep through a dinosaur attacking the house

Good point. I laughed. 

His hands moved up to my hair and his thumb brushed my cheek. His eyes looking deeply into mine and his signature smirk giving his dimples all the glory. 

"Hi angel" he said quietly his lips a couple of inches from mine

He leant in his lips into mine and held my hips in his hands. The kiss was slow and passionate, a bit like our first kiss but a different type of urgency in place. His hands moving up under my t-shirt as his tongue slipped in against mine. 

"Can I?" he asked pulling away briefly motioning at my top. I nodded. Cole would be the first boy to see my boobs but right now he made me feel confident and I knew that Cole was the one. 

He lifted my top up over my head and pulled at the back of my thighs pulling my legs up to wrap around his waist. My back still pressing into the wall. His tongue found mine again and he kissed me passionately making me let out a groan. 

He placed me down on the bed and took off his own shirt. Although I had seen his chiselled body today in the water it felt different and more intimate as he climbed over me in his bed. 

I let out a squeak in anticipation and Cole landed his lips back on mine.  

I ran my hands up his sides and placed them on his chest. I pushed him up and he rolled off me, but quickly I was in his arms again as he sat me on his lap. One leg either side of him, straddling his short clad shorts. 

"Oh the things I could do to you angel" he said in between kissing my neck. I could feel his member growing beneath me from where I was sat and I let out a moan in response. He threw his head back onto the pillow and pulled me into his chest. I lay still for a few minutes before he kissed the top of my head. He pulled the t-shirt off the floor and placed it over my head. "Come on, let's get you to sleep"

I mumbled into his chest shaking my head and wrapped my arms around him. I had no plans to move right now, I was more comfortable than I had ever felt before. Cole made anywhere feel safe.

"Goodnight Angel" he said squeezing my small body into him

"Goodnight Dimples" I said looking up at him my eyes full of sleep and I began drifting off wrapped in his arms. 


The light began shining through the window from where we didn't shut them last night. I was already awake though, in slight disbelief that I was not only in Cole's bed (again!) but that he was laying here with me. 

I twirled his eyebrow piercing between my fingers, my eyes tracing the tattoos that wrapped around his body. He was covered. A ring piercing on his left nipple to match his eyebrow piercing. Many little tattoos on his torso, paired with a few intricate larger ones. 

"It's rude to stare angel" he said opening his eyes and pulling me into his embrace. I giggled. 

Last night had felt like a dream. Our legs were  tangled and his arms kept me warm all night. I still couldn't decide whether the smell of Cole calmed me or just made me feel excited and nervous. I had found comfort in his arms, allowing me to relax and have a good nights sleep. 

"I'm going to sneak back downstairs. Make it look like I slept down there" I said. The time reading only 6am and knowing the boys and my brother, they would still be fast asleep. Especially after our booze fuelled day yesterday 

"I wish you could lay with me forever" Cole said sleepily looking at me. His blueish green eyes staring into mine and his arms squeezing me tighter. He started to pull me in for a kiss.

"Eww morning breath!" I exclaimed trying to pull back. He laughed and let me go. 

Now the hard bit. Trying to get back to where I was sat last night without the boys hearing or seeing me. But when I got downstairs the boys were exactly how I left them. Pj was still upside down but was now spread along more of the sofa. Logan and Fraser on the floor snoring like no tomorrow. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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