Dinner with Dimples

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The party was a few days ago and I felt like I had only just recovered. I went home the evening after and immediately rang Layla to find out more. She had gone home with Earl from the party after they connected when smoking weed. Layla had never had feelings for a guy like this, instead just choosing to only see the same guy once or twice before never speaking to them again. Apparently he was taking her on a proper date tonight and I was so happy for her. I just hoped, as my best friend, that she didn't forget about me. 

"Hattie?" my dad shouted from downstairs "Can you come down quickly?" 

I had work today at the restaurant and spent my whole day getting shouted at by the over privileged. Once home I had gone straight upstairs to sulk on my bed about how much I hated working there. Forcing myself up I dragged myself down the stairs. 

"Sup daddyo" I said walking into the front room where he was sat with my mom

"The boys are all coming around for dinner about 6 tonight, will you be here?" my dad asked

"I will be here. What we having?" I said raising my eyebrows in question "WAIT. Boys? what boys?"

My mom laughed "Your brother and the band boys. Who else would we have meant?" 

"Shit" I said

"Language" said my dad smirking but shaking his head

"I'm going to go and get ready" I began to walk off back to the direction of my room 

"But hun its only 3" said mom 

"That's not long enough as it is" If I was going to make up for the embarrassment of my birthday then I had a lot of making up to do. Cole was quite possibly the most handsome and mysterious man I had even met. His tattoos seemed to cover his whole body, an assumption I hoped I would find out one day. His bluey green eyes seemed to stare right into my soul and make me immediately weak at my knees. 

If I, a 21 year old average girl was going to stand a chance. I knew I would have to redeem myself.

I had spent the last few hours getting ready. The clock on my vanity had read 5.58, although I knew my brother and the boys were always late, I was pleased to know that I was ready. 

I had opted for a black wrap around dress that fixed at the front with 2 gold buttons. My cleavage on show from the low cut fit of the dress, and it was a little short on the legs too so I moisturised those to show them off. Probably a little bit too dressy for just an evening meal at home but I had some making up to do like I said. I did keep my makeup simple and had just curled my hair into loose curls to frame my face. I also FaceTimed Layla who was also getting ready for her date at the same time and we agreed that each of us looked hot. That's what best friends are for right?

"How do I look?" I said twirling into the kitchen to show my mom. She laughed, but admired my dress. 

"Beautiful as always my darling" she said pulling me towards her and kissing my head. "But I don't know who you are trying to impress, you know it's just the band right?" I nodded 

The doorbell rang and my confidence disappeared. Fraser and Logan didn't make me nervous anymore. But Cole sure as hell did. Especially as the last time I saw him he mocked me with a loaf of bread. Dick. 

"Can you go and get that honey" my mum looked at me as she was putting some more food into the oven. 

I walked over to the door "Hi Penis" I said and opening it wide ready to greet my brother.

"Hello to you too" smirked Cole from behind a bunch of flowers that he was carrying 

"I umm, sorry I umm, umm thought you were PJ" 

"Easy mistake" he said. It's not, I thought. Sure PJ was a as good looking as a sister wishes to describe her brother but that was nothing compared to Cole. Cole was like a god. He made my insides melt. And right not he was making me stumble over every little word. He was dressed in black ripped jeans and a black top. His tattoos overflowing from every inch of his t-shirt. "I came from seeing my sister" he continued to smirk "Are the other boys here yet?" he finished

All I could do was shake my head and let him in, leading him to the kitchen and my mom. He walked behind me and I am sure I heard a deep moan.


We were sat around the table just finishing the Lasagne that my mom had cooked for everyone. 

"So PJ" my dad said "Did Hattie's party go alright in the end?" 

"Sure did" he said, reaching over to get some more garlic bread 

I looked across the table to where Cole sat and saw him staring at me. I had leant forward over the table resting my chin on my hand once I had finished my dinner. Trying to avoid his glare, I looked around the table to see everyone talking but my eyes fell back to Cole. He was biting his lip now but still staring. I looked from his eyes down at my dress. My cleavage on full show. I looked back up to him and he licked his lips. Dirty pervert. 

I immediately sat up straighter. Not sure if him staring at me had turned me on or if it just made me feel nervous. I pushed myself up from my chair and said "I'll be back" 

Needing to cool off I ran up to my room and text Layla. 

'Hope your night is going better than mine' I sent first. 'He make's me feel so nervous'

I threw my phone my phone on my bed and slammed myself backwards onto it to lie down. I groaned. 

A knock on my door woke me from my slumber

"So this is the angels room" smirked Cole poking his head in

"What are you doing here" I said, trying to act all confident but inside my inner teenage girl screamed that such a hot guy was standing in my room 

"You've seen my room. It's only fair I see yours" he continued, sliding himself through the doorway and shutting it behind him

I stood up abruptly and pulled down my dress. He laughed and began walking towards me making me feel nervous. My insides wanting to spew out a little bit more with every step he took. 

"Do I make you nervous angel" 

"No" I said shockingly and definitely not convincingly. My palms now sweaty. 

He was then stood directly in front of me. So close to my face that I could see the definition of every single muscle through his t-shirt. My small stature meaning his eye line was way over my head. His musky scent was enchanting and I shut my eyes to breathe it all in. "Is that a lie angel?" he asked lifting my chin up with his strong hand so I had to look at him 

I gulped and blinked. Unsure of what to say or do. My social anxiety really letting me down in this moment. 

"Desert!" I heard someone yell from downstairs 

"We better go" I said to Cole backing out of his grip and walking towards the door. 

"Oh and by the way angel. You made a pretty adorable sandwich" 

I practically ran out the door and back downstairs. My cheeks going red. Not knowing if it was the sheer embarrassment he just made me feel or if it was him calling me adorable. Dimples thought I was adorable.

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