Knight in shining armour

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Once outside I grabbed my cell and knew the only person who I wanted right now.

"Please come and get me" I sobbed down the phone to my brother

"Hattie, what's wrong? What's happened?" I couldn't get my words out so I left my brother huffing down the phone for what seemed like an eternity "Who do I need to kill?"

I let out a mix between giggle and a sob.

"Can you just come and get me please" I let out in-between sniffs "I'm at Oasis"

"Oasis, what're you doing there?" he paused "Just wait there. I'll send one of the boys will get you, I have been drinking. Don't move" he hung up probably in search of someone more sober to come.

I tried not to panic being outside in the dark with no one I knew. I looked around and saw various groups of people smoking and drinking outside the club. Hopefully that man didn't follow me out here.

I continued to look whilst I was waiting. Layla was there Smoking with a group of girls that looked about our age. She ran over to me once she saw me "What happened Hattie, are you okay?" "Sorry I left you but It was getting so busy and I came out here to text you when I ran into some old friends from work" She put her arms around me when she noticed I had been crying.

"Im going home. One of the boy's is coming to get me" I said now beginning to calm myself down, Layla's arms around me only helping. "Here give me that" I continued, snatching the cigarette from her mouth.

I wasn't a big smoker, but it did help me calm down and right now, feeling sober after that ordeal. I needed a hit.

"I love you H" she said as we sat down on a wall and I finished telling her what had happened. I took another drag of the cigarette.

"Love you to Lays" I wrested my head on hers after blowing the smoke from my mouth

A black jeep swung around the corner and broke harshly infant of the club. Everyone turning their heads towards the commotion. A guy dressed in black jumped out the drivers side and walked hurriedly towards where me and Layla were sat.

"Angel?" the voice called. Great. My dick head of a brother had sent Cole here to 'save me'.

"I better go" I said to Layla squeezing her hand, reassuring her that I was alright. I took one more drag and stomped the cigarette out on the wall walking over the my 'rescuer'.

My knight in shining armour

"You alright angel?" he asked as I got closer. He unexpectedly pulled me into his chest, wrapping me in his arms. I seized up at first. A flashback of what had just happened in the club coming back to me. But once I smelt his musky scent I relaxed instantly into his arms. I kept my arms dangling by the side. Damn you awkward girl. But it seemed good enough for Cole.

"Thank you for coming" I said into his chest.

"Always" was his reply.

He opened the passenger door and lifted me by my hips to get me into his jeep. Maybe there were benefits to being small after all?

Dimples turned on the engine and began to drive in the direction of what I assumed was the band house. I didn't want to see my mom right now, knowing she would worry. I knew PJ would be over protective but he wouldn't push me to talk about it if I wasn't ready. I was glad Cole was taking me there.

I think we were driving for about 10 minutes when the thoughts of what happened kept spinning around my head. Sure it wasn't that bad, I know it could've been much worse. God I could be in a very different situation right now. Tears started to fall again. Mostly in relief that I had managed to escape that situation and get out of there. I tried to stay quiet, not wanting to worry Cole. But it didn't work. I was overwhelmed with emotion and couldn't stop crying.

"You okay Angel?" he asked. Like earlier I couldn't find it in me to answer. But I did manage to nod my head in response. I was OK. I was okay now anyway.

Cole reached over and held my hand. Drawing circles with his thumb over the top, it calmed me down again almost instantly. I rested my head on the car window and felt my eyes getting heavy.


Coles POV

My hand gripped the steering wheel tightly as I could only imagine what made her upset tonight. I knew if PJ was here he wouldn't stormed into that club to find out. I didn't want to care her like that, especially after this only being the third time I had seen her. But that didn't stop me feeling so much rage and anger. And that was before really knowing what had gone on. I could only take a good guess.

My thumb continued rubbing circles over her hand. We were close to the house now and I heard some light snores coming from the passenger seat. She had fallen asleep. I sighed in relief knowing she was able to relax despite what she went through tonight. But I knew she would likely be upset again when PJ found out.

I pulled up to the band house. My new house, should I say. And looked over at the sleeping angel. Her long hair was pushed back behind her ears, Her soft snores vibrating against the window. I got out and walked around to the passenger side, slowing opening the door. her head fell back against the seat. The devil of a red dress that she messaged me in earlier had ridden up and I knew the best way to get her in the house would be to cover her up. I shrugged off my jacket and wrapped it around her. The size engulfing her, but she looked perfect.

I undid her belt and lifted her out the car. I carried her bridal style into the house.

"What happened?" said PJ standing up from the couch as soon as I walked through the door

"Sssshh" I called out in return "Just let her sleep. She was passed out in the car, I think something happened"

"No shit" yelled PJ "Let me talk to her" he pushed past Fraser who now stood awkwardly at the door.

"Wait until he moving bro" Fraser said pulling him back "She's safe now"

PJ nodded and relaxed. He walked over to his sister, tucking her hair back behind her ears and caressing her cheek. "Thank's Cole" he spoke looking up at me. "Go and put her in one of the beds upstairs"

I nodded and took her up the stairs. I walked towards my room knowing that was the only place I wanted her right now. After she stayed in my bed the night of the party I haven't been able to get her out of my head. My freshly clean sheets no longer smelt like her, and I was longing to see her tucked up in my bed again. Yes. That is where I would put her tonight. 

Still asleep, I let angel snuggle onto the bed as I put her down. Knowing how uncomfortable she would be if she slept in that dress I pulled a top out my closet and put it over her head. I slipped my hands up from the bottom and grabbed her straps pulling her dress down. Not wanting to over step the line, not yet anyway. I was very careful at not waking her or touching her without her consent. I finally got the dress down to her ankles and finished taking it off, placing it on the chair in my room. 

I wrapped her up in the covers and she let out a moan. An angel in my bed. I kissed her head and then laughed at myself. What was this girl doing to me? 

I was falling. Falling Hard. 

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