One big oops

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Heading out from the restroom I made my way through the bar to find my brother and Lyla. Even in the few minutes I had gone the bar had filled up quickly. I hadn't seen my brother play in several months, and with the new bass player too they must have attracted a lot of attention. 

My mind still was thinking about the mysterious tattoo guy with dimples. I don't think I had ever seen such an attractive man in my whole life and I hoped fate would allow me to fall into his embrace one more time tonight. I wondered if I was his type. I doubt it. But he did call me angel. 

I spotted PJ and walked in that direction to catch up with him and get my drink. Lyla stood next to him along with Logan and Fraser who were in the band too. Time to get my drink on! 

"Where's my drink then bro?" I said wrapping an arm around PJs shoulder and looking around the bar. 

He hands me my vodka and coke and turns around to face the group. 

"To Hattie and her 21st shenanigans" said PJ raising his pint 

Our small group all chorused 'To Hattie' and I downed my drink in one go. My brother shook his head in amusement and I heard him mutter under his breath about how it was going to be a long night. It sure was 

"Right princess, got to go. Come stand at the front will you. I promised mom I would keep an eye on you" he said handing me some cash for another drink

"We will" I said looking after at Lyla who was still trying to catch the attention of my brother. I rolled my eyes at her. One day! "Where's the new bass player?" I said quickly before he left

"Cole is here somewhere, he said he would meet us on stage when it is time"

So his name is Cole. I wondered what he would look like. 

"Right let's get some shots" said Lyla pushing her way through to the bar to order

"Hell yeah" I said rather over excited. 


5 shots (each!) and a few minutes later we could hear the boys doing a quick sound check and decided to make our way over to them. 

"I can't wait for tonight" I said to Lyla "I'm finally 21 and I'm so ready to let my hair down and just enjoy it"

"Me too. I hope the new bass player is hot. I could really do with getting laid" chuckled Lyla

"Same here girl, I have never had birthday sex" We looked at each other and both laughed

Lyla had definitely had her fair share of men over the past few years. Her body count in the double digits though she never would tell me the exact number. I had slept with 4 guys. My high school crush was my first. I guess that's a pretty ideal situation. Though it was only the one time. The other 3 were just guys I had met out. Like I said, when I was drunk I always had a lot more confidence. And since I had lost my virginity I wasn't as bothered about who it was. My brother however, was unaware of this. Well I hoped he was anyway, he certainly had never bought it up. His overly protective brother ways would surely have something to say. 

Arriving at the front of the stage my brother spotted us instantly and winked at me. 

"Did your bother just wink at me" said Lyla in disbelief

"I think it was at me but sure whatever you want to believe" I laughed. Her crush on him was getting out of control. 

I looked to the left of my brother to where the new bass player stood with his back to us. He was tall and wore a tight black shirt that showed off his back muscles. He was already dreamy and I had only seen the back of him. 

The music started and he turned around.


It was the sexy dimple guy from before. The knight in shining armour that saved me from falling on my face. 

"God he is fit" I head Lyla mutter in shock. I couldn't take my eyes off him long enough to see her facial expressions. She was right. Dimples was a fit hunky Bass player. My brothers bass player to be exact. 

Dimples walked towards the front of the stage where the band was and leant into my brother whilst they both played their bass guitars. My brother sang into the microphone one of their newest songs 'Down Under'. 

Still mesmerised I didn't even notice the song had finished. 

"Tonight we wan't to welcome our new bass player Cole Peterson" The crowd clapped and cheered, he clearly already had a fan club. I am sure every girl here was ready to get down on their knees for dimples or Cole as I guess I should now call him 

"But most importantly tonight is my little sisters birthday. Hattie. From all of us in The Flying Ryders we are wishing you the happiest of 21sts. This song is for you" PJ finished his little speech, saving me of a bit of embarrassment. 

My favourite song began to play. This one was one of the first PJ wrote when he started the band. It was called 'A day in the dark' and it took a softer tone compared to some of their other music. I smiled at my brother and mouthed thank you. 

Turning my gaze to the left I noticed dimples staring at me. We locked eyes and he held me captivated for what seemed like hours. He broke the contact walking towards the opposite side of the stage. But not before winking at me. 

Oh no. This wasn't going to end good. 

Dangerous DimplesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora