Disney + and chill

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Cole had been texting me all week. I had replied, but being the awkward twat I was, I kept things short and sweet. Simply replying to his questions with a simple yes or no.

Are you okay?. Yes. Are you working today? Yes. Have you seen your brother? No. 

I scrolled back up to the picture I sent him in my red dress. I wish I was always that happy and confident Hattie. But right now, I just wasn't. 

I had 1 shift left at work. I still hadn't found anything to do next but my parents were right. I shouldn't care about that. It was more important that I focussed on me again. 

I left my house and drove to work. Half dreading it, but also half excited that this was the end and I wouldn't have to dread it ever again. 

Starting my shift I began serving my side of the room. It was busy but I tried to keep calm, knowing that I only had to get through tonight. 


Only 1 hour to go.

PJ and Cole sat there in the corner of the room both smirking at me. 

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked folding my arms across my chest and walking towards them. 

I looked a mess. Not caring about my appearance at work in recent months, but seeing Cole again made me wish I had. Wearing my black work shirt and black slacks, my hair puled back into a messy bun and no makeup. 

"We came to celebrate your last shift with you" said PJ "Surprise!" 

"Thanks bro, you didn't have to do that" I smiled looking at my brother trying to ignore the elephant in the room. AKA Cole. 

"It was Cole's idea actually" my brother said gesturing in Cole's direction 

"Thank you Cole" I said looking more at my feet than I was at him. "Can I get you anything?" 

"You can get me that girls number" said my disgusting brother smugly, pointing to Carly one of the other waitresses. Cole laughed and high fived him from across the table. 

"Unlucky for you" I started "She bats for the other team" I flicked him in the back of his head and walked away. Just writing down my favourite food from the menu, they would either eat or it or they wouldn't. Not my problem. 

My shift ended and I was walking to my car when I heard a wolf whistle near by. Fuck. I started to freak thinking this could be a repeat of going to the club last week. 

"Go back to moms" shouted PJ from across the parking lot "We will meet you there"

Great. 'We'. Cole is coming back to mine? This could be a long night. 


Pulling into the driveway I noticed my brother and Cole had got here first. I had a bit more respect for road signs and speed limits than they did clearly. 

"Mom, where's the popcorn?" PJ shouted, his head buried in the kitchen cabinet.

"I am going to bed" I announced starting to walk towards the stairs after throwing my coat and bag on the floor 

"Angel" spoke Cole coming up behind me and whispering in my ear. 

I became aware of how close he was to me. Again. Why did he always have this effect on me. 

"Please stay" he spoke again

"Okay" I said back, not giving it much thought. It clearly didn't take much to convince me. 

"There you are" said my brother walking out of the kitchen. Cole backed away as if he was never there. 

"First one to the couch gets to choose the film" I said already running in the direction of the front room. Laughing to myself I knew I had already won. What film should I make them suffer with tonight I thought to myself. 

"Nothing to girly" said Cole when he sat down on the same couch as me

"Just nothing with any kissing or sex scenes" my brother rolled his eyes playing the popcorn on the table. 

"Dude we're all old enough now" said Cole laughing at my brother 

"Hattie's not" PJ said "She's still my baby sister" 

I rolled my eyes. This was going to be a long night. 


We had settled on 'The Parent trap'. Disney + being my saviour for many of life's moments. 

I looked over a little while later to see PJ had fallen asleep from where he was in the arm chair. His legs dangling over the side and his hand in the popcorn bowl. I laughed and got up. 

"I'm going to get a drink" I said to Cole. But didn't look at him before walking off. 

Cole was sat next to me but I had squished myself so far into the other end of the sofa to try and avoid him. Avoid his dimpled smile, his eyes, his smell. Shut up Hattie. 

I walked off towards the kitchen quickly. 

Humming to myself I filled up my stanley cup with some fresh water and grabbed a couple cans of soda from the fridge for the boys. Well boy. Unless my brother decided to re-grace us with his presence. 

I went back and placed the drinks on the table before noticing that Cole was no longer on the sofa. My brother however had not moved an inch. 

"Cole?" I called out quietly, walking out the front room again to try and find him. "Cole?" I said again this time a little bit louder. 

Suddenly a hand grabbed me from behind and dragged me into the downstairs bathroom. The lights were off. Only the sound of heavy breathing could be heard.

"Cole?" I asked in hope. My heart beat speeding up. 

"Hi Angel" It was Cole. Phew. But what was he doing in the bathroom, and why am I now in here with him. He was so close to me that I could make out his eyes and see them staring in to mine. 

"What are you doing?" I asked nervously leaning back against the door to the bathroom. He was still holding my hand from when he pulled me in. His thumb began tracing patterns on my hand just like he did that time in the car. "Don't do that" I said. He said for a second before starting again. "I don't like it" I said unconfidently because fuck did I like it when he did that. 

"Ok Angel" Cole said laughing and dropping his hand from mine. I instantly felt colder and more anxious. The effect Cole had on me was clear. 

An eternity passed. Well really it was probably only a minute or so. But Cole continued to look at me. 

"I'm going to kiss you now" 

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