Boys day out

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Just a cute little filler chapter!

The day after the gig my brother had text me inviting me to go on a trip with him and the boys. A boys day out he called it, and when I questioned it he added a '+ Hattie'. What an ass.

Anyway, tomorrow they had hired a boat for the day on the lake a couple of towns over. Something we did with our parents when PJ and I were younger. Always something I looked forward to, and this time was no different. The only difference was that this time our parents weren't coming, instead it was a boat trip with the 'Flying Ryders'. 4 boys and me on a boat, likely with alcohol involved. What could go wrong?


'We're just leaving beautiful' ~ Cole. 

Cole text me the next morning to let me know him and the boys were just leaving his. They arrived at the house about 15 minutes later and after telling my parents goodbye I walked out the door. 

Wearing a pink tie dye bikini and matching cover up I strutted to the car with a pack of 24 beers under my arm. 

"Let's get this party started!" I said opening the back passenger door and lifting my arms up in excitement

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"Let's get this party started!" I said opening the back passenger door and lifting my arms up in excitement. 

"Alright loser get in" said my brother turning around from where he sat in the drivers seat. Cole was sat on the side closest to me. Fraser on the other side, with Logan in the front passenger seat. I smiled at Cole and he winked back at me. Our little interaction not being missed by Fraser, he smirked at us before turning and looking out the window. 

I had to climb over Cole to get to the middle seat. His hands brushed over my waist as I passed him, before giving them a light squeeze. 

My brother decided in that moment to suddenly accelerate forward, landing me in the lap of the even more startled Cole. 

"Jerk" I said towards PJ. Quickly scurrying off of Coles lap. Finally sitting in my seat and put my seat belt on and turned to look back at Cole. 

His perfect dimples grinning at me mischievously, his hand now on his eyebrow piercing twirling it around. I no longer felt as nervous in his presence. Unless he was kissing me of course. But the sight of him was still intriguing to me. He was a bad looking boy with dangerous dimples after all. 


We boarded the boat and spread out as PJ sat down to drive. I grabbed a beer from the cooler along with a packet of chips and sat down towards the front of the boat.

It was the perfect day. The sun was out and the water was calm. We would drive to our normal spot on the lake, the one our parents showed us before stopping for some lunch and probably a swim too. 

I spent the morning sunbathing, a book in my hand. The boys were mostly with PJ, asking him to show them how to drive this thing. Their deep voices and loud laughter occasionally disturbing me from my page. But not in a bad way. It was nice to see them all hanging out together like this. It was also the first proper trip with Cole, so knowing PJ and him could bond over today was a bonus. 

A little while later Cole walked over 2 beers in his hand. He nudged my leg getting me to sit up and make room for him and he handed me a drink. I sat up, closing the book and placing it next me on the cushions. I took a sip of the beer and looked over to a smiling Cole. 

It felt like an eternity had passed with his eyes just staring into mine. He stretched out his hand to grab mine but I pulled away. Not wanting to risk PJ seeing anything, or any of the boys for that matter. Of course Fraser saw us a couple of nights ago but he didn't know that this was a real thing. 

"Later" I whispered to him. He looked disappointed but nodded, understanding. 

He sat forward, pulling out a packed of cigarettes from his back pocket. Placing one in between his lips he lit up and took his first drag. 

I reached out towards him and motioned for him to pass it for me. He smirked at me shaking his head but passed it over regardless. 

"You're not trying to corrupt my sister are you Peterson?" asked my brother as he walked out from behind the drivers cabin and into view. Fraser and Logan joining him, all of them carrying a beer. 

"I think she was already corrupted" Cole smirked. I slapped him with my empty hand playfully 

"Hey!!" I exclaimed

"Touché" said my brother laughing and drinking from his beer. The boys all joining in resulting me crossing my arms over my chest and pretending to strop. Whose side was Cole on!


"You coming back to ours H?" my brother said as we climbed in to his car after our day on the lake. 

"If you're cooking" I replied 

"Dude we've eaten like 10 burgers already" said Logan shaking his head at me

"How about we get some more beer and watch a bunch of movies?" suggested PJ looking to all of us in the car

"Fine" said Fraser "But Hattie isn't allowed to choose. Do you not remember what happened last time?" Fraser covered his eyes with his hand and shook his head

What was it with these boys ganging up on me today. 

My mind wandered to the last movie night I had with my brother and Cole just over a week ago. A very different series of events from what I know Fraser was talking about, but a night I wanted to remember forever. Cole and I shared our first kiss and he admitted he liked me. I doubt this movie night would top that. 

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