Wild One

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Climbing into the back of Frasers car. The designated driver for the night, I was excited to see how the night would turn out. My brother sat in the front next to Fraser, and Lyla on my left. The other boys going with Logan. 

We pulled up at Pjs house. Or the bands house should I say. All the boys lived here, I wondered if Cole now lived here too. That just made me too nervous to think about. I don't even know why I was getting my hopes up. Not only did I have to convince Cole to like me, but I had the small issue of my over protective brother. Those dimples better be worth the effort I was about to put in. 

Pulling up at the house I jumped out and went in search of some booze. "Just think about your limits" said PJ holding me back "I promised mom"

I laughed and turned towards him from where I now stood at the front door. "And I was promised a good night so who's side are you going to be on" 

"Ughh you are hard work sometimes Hattie Slater" 

"But you wouldn't have it any other way" I giggled and gave my brother a kiss on the cheek. "Now let's get this party started!" 

The boys had invited a few other friends back from the bar. Logans boyfriend Taylor had joined us and a couple of Frasers regular fucks were coming too. 

I headed straight to the kitchen to pour myself and Lyla our first drink. Well our first drink since leaving the bar. We had definitely had several drinks already, my wobbly walking making that quite apparent to anyone that didn't know . 

"God I can't wait to find that fine hunk of a man and lick his abs" said Lyla taking a sip of her drink. 

"By hunk I hope you mean the mysterious Cole and not my brother" I cringed and had to down my drink to get rid of the thought

She laughed "Either or, I'm not fussy" 

Now that was something I definitely did not want to witness tonight. Drunk or not seeing my best friend get it on with my brother was not something I wanted to see. 


A few drinks and some more confidence later I headed out the kitchen by myself in the search of Cole. Unluckily for me he was quite hard to find. Stumbling around the house, my head in a haze I tried my best to avoid PJ knowing he would stop me in my tracks and likely send me up to bed already. 

Cole wasn't inside. I found him outside lent against the wall, cigarette in hand. "So this is where you've been hiding?" I asked with drunken confidence "Guessing you're not one for parties?" I continued shivering in the colder spring air. 

"And I am guessing you love them?" He muttered back putting out his cigarette and giving me a knowing eye. I started to wobble on my feet. Not knowing if it was the alcohol or the sight of Cole. 

"Want to get a drink?" I nodded in his direction. The dark hid his expressions well but I could just about make out those dimples. The first thing I noticed when he caught me back at the bar. 

"Come on then angel" he said walking over to me "But it's going to be water for you" laughing he placed his hand on my lower back and guided me through the doorway and towards the kitchen. His hand leaving light sparks every time he lifted a finger or moved. 

I jumped up on the counter as soon as we arrived in the kitchen. "Careful there angel we wouldn't want you falling over again would we" he laughed resting his hands on the counter either side of my legs to stop me from moving. Looking at him this closely and intensely only reiterated my original feelings. This man was the definition of perfection but there must be something wrong as he was giving me all his attention. The head band members little sister, and he knew that now too. Why me? 

Cole gave me a glass of water and I pouted at him and crossed my arms. "One glass and I will get you what you want?" 

"Do you pinky swear?" I asked stretching out my littlest finger in his direction and he linked his with mine

Right then my brother PJ walked in. Cole couldn't pull his hand away fast enough "You good Hattie?" he said walking over with his eye brows raised at my pinky that not 5 seconds ago had been linked with Coles. "Is that a glass of water?" he said eyeing it approvingly "I don't know what you did mate but keep it up" he 'bro slapped' Cole on the back and laughed "She may be my little sister but the other boys look after her like she's theirs too. I would appreciate if you would do the same" With one last smile in our direction PJ walked out the kitchen with a new bottle of beer in his hand. 

I took another glance at Cole and downed the water in one go. 

"You really are a wild one" he said shaking his head "Little sister then hey? I'm not sure how I feel about that?" winking at me he took my glass over to the sink and took a bottle of whisky from the top cupboard. This guy really was mysterious. 

I pushed myself off the counter and walked over to Cole taking the bottle of whisky out of his hands. Now let's have some fun. I took a swig and held his chin in my hand pulling his face towards mine. "I don't want to be your little sister" Confidently I lent in to give him a kiss on the cheek and turned around and walked off in search of Lyla. Of course strutting my hips knowingly as I walked. 

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