Voldemort, coward, poophead?!..

493 31 61

Next day of school...

Getting up from the bed, I went and did all my business in the bathroom, prayed and ended up wearing a black colored hijab and a maxi big green jacket with a top saying "love myself" and jeans without makeup.

I looked at myself in the mirror and blew a kiss not before wearing my bag...I loved myself.

I got out of my room and greeted my mom,"salamualaykum mom".

"Walaykumsalam sweetie,how are you"

"Alhamdulillah I'm fine" you are not fine...oh shut up conscience.

"Mom I'll be on my way now", I said walking to the door.

"Ok love, wait", I immediately froze and waited.

"Take this" she handed me a lunch box to put in my bag in case I got hungry.

"Ugh, mom I don't need this", that...that was a lie cause I always ended up hungry sometimes even I and my best friend...or should I say ex best friend...sat down at the bleachers and watched the guys as they played while eating my mom's food...which was always delicious by the way...and talking about our crushes...

"You do...now go"

I rolled my eyes and left, you guys might be wondering about my dad well we don't talk about him.

In school

I put on my ear pods so as to block anyone who tried starting a convo with me...not that I had friends...but I was pretty popular.

Walking through the hall way...I spotted my locker and refilled and unfilled my bag with books I needed and locked it back. I started heading to my class when I noticed someone in a class being screamed at by someone, it was some boy...

What the...?!

I barged through the door and asked,"what in stupidity are you guys doing to that poor boy", I said with the cold voice I could put out.

"Baby girl this is none of your business it will be best if you turned back and mention this to nobody" he said turning to me and slipping his hands in his pockets while the other one just stared at me.

I looked at them both and totally forgot about the boy I was here to save cause he was getting on my nerves, I chuckled,"first don't you dare call me Baby girl, second I think you are dealing with the wrong person here".

The one who stared at me just gave the other guy a nod and smirked,

Oh he did not know who he was dealing with...

The guy marched forward about to grab me and I reached for his hands and twisted it behind his back shoving him against the wall, he let out a groan while it was my turn to smirk at Voldemort...That by the way was my new nickname for the guy that just stood there staring and smirking at me...what the heck was his deal?!

"I think I gave you a hint NOT to mess with me",I said stressing the 'not'.

"Let me go",the guy I was holding said while letting out a groan when I twisted his arm further.

"Let him go then I might just let you go", I said facing him, torturing him more by twisting his arm.

"I would let him go", I heard Voldemort say and dang did he have a weird voice it was a little thick but just weird probably his accent maybe he was Russian,"now leave him cupcake", he said pointing at poopface over here

I faced the guy wearing glasses," you heard him, GO!", And he's gone, such a coward, ugh, didn't even say thank you or help me.
I just rolled my eyes and let poopface over here go.

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