Honeymoon 6#

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"if you don't mind me asking, what's the meaning of your tattoos?", His head suddenly turned to me, his eyes turned dark grey. I probably shouldn't have asked.

"Nothing really", He simply said, and looked away from me then laid his head on the pillow.

I used the extra pillows to make a barrier, then it hit I haven't observed my prayers.

Uhh, yes you did, you did the days prayer in Bora Bora and back on the flight. Posi reminded me.

Oh yh, but did he. I reached my hands over to him but then stopped mid-air, he's already pissed might as well not. He would have probably done it in the room back in the jet.

I crashed my head on the pillow, recited some Duas and fell asleep.


I woke up to the bright sunny sky in the morning. I checked the time and it was 11:00AM.

Not surprised, anyway, I got out of bed and saw Allen wasn't at the other side of the bed, and his side was neat as always.

I rolled my eyes, remembering last night.

Pfft!, "Nothing really", I mocked his accent and thick voice.

He is so annoying, I mean whats in a tattoo, he can't tell me!.

It's something, I need to know.

Maybe, there's just something about it, he doesn't want to talk about.

I shrugged, as I remember catching some glimpse of Aleks tattoo on his arm, they look almost the same, and he was always trying to hide it too, anytime I ask, he's always like, it's peer pressure.

I rolled my eyes, peer pressure my foot!.

I sighed looking out the window, the sun heating the snow, making it melt gradually, I was going to have to tour this place. I then remembered Alek, and sighed yet again, I missed him...alot.

I decided to freshen up and go pray, I needed to be smacked. 'Praying at this time, not acceptable miss', I had told myself looking at the mirror.

I got downstairs to see him on one of the couch, he was wearing dark blue jeans with a forest green long sleeved top, that hugged him perfectly, his hair fallen tied to the back, with some few strands, fallen on his face here and there. He was holding a book on one hand and supporting his head with the other. He looked striking with the natural light coming in, basking in his handsomeness, he looked so mysterious.

And I swear I was in love for a minute there.

Oh shut up!, You will fall for a guy you see in a newyork subway, just as long as he is handsome and mysterious looking enough for you. Negi said

Can't argue with that.

I rolled my eyes at posi and negi cause...it was a little true, this is what happens when you read too much e-romance-novels and probably watch 'After'.

Anywho, after gawking at him for what felt like a second.

2 minutes.


You gawked at him for two minutes.

I didn't need you to point that out.

Yet we did. Sorry man.


I walked up to the kitchen going around the kitchen island, 'what am I going to cook', I muttered to myself as I opened the humongous fridge.

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