Honeymoon 14#

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Third-person POV

She shifted a little in her sleep as the suns light rays seeped through the curtain landing on her eyes.

She yawned and continued to hug her weirdly hard but comfortable pillow not wanting to get out of bed. She felt a cold breeze blow and hugged her pillow more.

She tried hugging it even more but it wasn't so squeezable. She groaned, annoyed as she opened her eyes to see a body form and instantly froze. Half her body was on his.

Finally getting the little of her senses back, she slowly and cautiously looked up to see Allen raising a brow back at her, wondering what she was doing.

She averted her eye in embarrassment, when she heard,"Morning chiaro di luna!(moonlight!)". His morning voice was thick and heavenly.

She groaned a little as she pretended to still be asleep and stretched her body to the other side of the bed. A sudden sound of pain made her jolt up from her pretence.

"Sh*t!", Allen said as he held his arm.

"I'm so so sorry. Oh my Gosh". She said with her hands over her mouth as she realized what she did. She had rolled over his wounded arm!.

"Yh. Y-yh...it's fine. Excruciatingly painful but fine", he groaned as the pain still shot through his arm.

"Are y-you sure?. Should I umm go get Uncle Andrea or...".She said her hands roaming around his arm not knowing what to do.

"Nah it's fine. I'll go fresh up", He said as he got up from the bed going to the bathroom.

Immediately the door closed behind him she smacked her head annoyed at her clumsiness.

"How clumsy can you be?!", She said grabbing a pillow behind her and screamed into it while kicking her leg.

She removed the pillow from her face finally as she gazed at the fancy looking ceiling.


"What are the odds that the shoot out today was deliberately planned out for you?".She asked and it was obvious that question caught Allen off guard.

All he could think of was, how would she even get that sort of hint. He obviously suspected that but how did she have the slightest clue."What makes you think that?", He asked not wanting to give off the fact he suspected that too.

"Well I've been getting messages from an unknown private number and...", She was interrupted when he said.

"You've been getting messages?!. Since when?!", His brows knit together in disbelief.

"Just since D'orcia. At first, I thought it was a harmless phone prank until I saw another message from the same number before I came after you saying you're hiding something from me", Allen's eyes scanned her perplexed.

"Give me your phone. I want to see the messages", He stretched his hands out while she stood up to grab her bag from the coat hanger in the room and handed him the phone after having unlocked it.

He immediately taps on messages and easily located the number and knits his brows at the three messages.

This was concerning. There were no more news on anything going wrong at the base. Only gotten one f*cking lead from Casey. Now the f*cking coward was threatening his wife!.

He really didn't know what to do. He was beyond confused. He raked his hand through his hair and droped the phone.

Eshaal looked at his disturbed demeanor. There's definitely something he isn't telling me. She thought.

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