Honeymoon #9

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"just how rich were this people?".

They already had a mahogany desk, they just had to add diamonds. I tried opening it but it won't budge.

I sat up straight looking at it, it seemed it had a password lock on the side.

I was curious, but this was really not my business. Just cause the red book isn't here doesn't mean we shouldn't follow it.

I recalled what I said and regretted it. Now I had to mind my business.

I snacked my head and sighed, I decided to read in the library making sure I faced the portrait at the wall. I sat on the leather chair and placed the books on the mahogany desk, carefully. I was about to pick up 'Paradise' by Judith Mcnaught. It seemed interesting from the first page I read, but I decided to look into 'the left hand of darkness' instead.

It wasn't even dusty. The housekeepers do a really good job. But the book looked like it has been read more than 150 times. I opened the first page to see a writing, it was really professional, the writing looked a code handwriting, the person who wrote this got all the details. It had two initials here, it said.

Z+M. In bold writing.

And then under that had a '~Forever Together~'.

I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. It's just weird that it would be written on a Sci-fi Classic and not a romance book.

This so cheesy!.

Don't laugh at a couples symbol of love. Posi warned and I stopped.

I looked to the back of the book and noticed it was signed. It looked legit by Ursula k. Le Guin.

Woah!. This book must have been here since 1969.


I was about going back to the first page to start on the book when a torn piece of paper fell out from the book. I picked the piece of paper up and unfolded it.

It had a 4-digit-combination on it.

What are the chances this is a passcode for what I'm thinking.

50%. Posi chimed.

That was a rhetorical question posi!.

Anyway. I decided to bend down and enter the combinations. It made a click sound and then opened.

I should be a detective!. I patted myself.

I swung open the wood-like safe and saw there were only some files and...phones?. Up to three of them.

I knelt down and got the files out first. There were birth certificates here and also marriage certificates.

I brought them out and looked at them, I saw, Zhdan VanShov, and Tatyana Petrova. I looked back to where I saw their marriage certificate and saw the names Zhdan and Tatyana VanShov.

I thought back to the portrait, maybe that's them.

I scrambled more at the papers, and saw more birth certificates one of Sergey VanShov, Kirill Vanshov, Aleksandr VanShov, Anya Vanshov. I was expecting Allen's next, but the next paper wasn't a birth certificate but a death certificate, it was Anya VanShov. She died after a year.

Inna lillah was inna ilayhi raji'un. Indeed, death has no age, we will all be returning to Allah at the end of the day.

She only spent a year on earth. I think this was their sister. I grieved a little. Looking at their picture, no one would have thought they've gone through this.

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