...isn't he coming?...

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"wait... Holland...I've heard that name...".

I quickly interrupted her,"Humza's a Holland, and they are a pretty large group".

"I don't think it's that, that name rings bell". Suddenly Sophia started laughing.

"What?!", I urged.

"I wonder, who'd name a hospital Raven", and she continued laughing.

"she has a point though", Eshaal said and we all started laughing.

After bantering here and there and finishing with our drinks, we decided to go home.

PS: MK drove this time.

On the drive back, it was pretty silent, I tried looking out the car window but honestly I was getting impatient, I could tell from my feet tapping vigorously, I do that when I'm impatient.

I looked between the unusually, focused, driver and then out the window, biting my bottom lips, not being able to take it anymore.

"Aren't you gonna say something?", I looked at the rear-view mirror and saw his hazel-green eyes flashing back at me.

"Not really", I could feel the smirk from his response.

"Did you get my message?",I hesitantly asked.

"What message?".

I immediately gave him a glare to which he laughed his usual weird-hitting the steering-laugh.

"You should have seen your face, it was red and you were all frown-y and...", He laughed again,"it didn't suit you".

"Well who's responsible for that", I folded my arms against my chest and looked out the window.

I really shouldn't have striked a conversation.

"I got your message though, thanks for the frapuccino, I didn't know you could be so thoughtful", he said and finally stopped the car as we had reached the manor.

"Your tiny screams of agony just strikes that soft side of me", I sarcastically remarked getting out of the car, leaving no room for another response and smirking.

Finally getting in the manor, I decided to take the elevator up.

I kept staring at that third button

"No one is allowed on the second floor ma'am, master has strictly set the rules".

I remembered Fatima saying that the first time I used the elevator.

If you don't want anyone on that floor why not build a separate elevator. I thought to myself.

Uhh, cause that would be kinda weird. Negi answered sarcastically.

And it'll be more suspicious. Posi supported

My finger was already about touching the button, it looked so enticing to push.

Do it. Negi pushed.

Don't listen to her. Posi countered.

Posi shut up, just do it.

Remember his privacy, dont do something you'd regret.

I was about pushing it, but it took the Ding of the elevator to snap me out of it.

A'udhubillahi mina shaytani Rajeem (I seek refuge in Allah from Satan).

Ouch. Negi reacted

You deserve that!.

I was already in my room and immediately pulled my shoes, after that going to the bathroom to observe ablution so I could pray magrib and Isha.

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