...dimmed lights...

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Eshaals Pov

I am seriously down all the way to h-

wait, not jahannum(hell), no one wants to go there!, Well a good number of people I know don't want to!-

I mean 'the ground'. Yes a way nicer word.

I am seriously down to the ground cause of the facts that-

One, Alek and I will not be the same after this.

Two, Alek and I will not be the same after this.

Three...I think it's already obvious guys, or do I need to repeat it, my pleasure!

Alek and I would not be the same after this!.

*Sigh of releaf*, now that I've gotten that out of my system.

It's not like I like- like Alek or something.

Or my infatuation?, No I've gotten rid of that...I think.

It's just... sigh... He is a really good friend.

Heck!, I am what I am today cause of his additional help!. Alhamdulillah(Thank God).

It's just then the image of him holding my hand appeared and-

Why did you let him hold your hand for that long?!

Yh, even I don't support this!

Ugh!, Astagfirullah,(may God forgive me).

"We're almost there ma'am", the driver informs, probably seeing my face all scrunched up from the front mirror.

"Oh, no problem, it's okay", I quickly respond back, I don't want him to seem uncomfortable.

I looked to my side to see Mr Adonis wearing a focused look as he typed away on his phone tilting his head a little bit. His side profile is nice!. I unknowingly think.

Ugh! Me!

I squint my eyes as I look at his neck there was some kind of drawing on it, but you would barely notice it. He had tattoos!.

Maybe, it's my eyes I'm probably feeling sleepy and drowzy. I look away not wanting to make further assumptions.

I don't know about you but I think thats a tattoo.

Shut up, negi.

Shut up, negi. I and posi both say.

Now you guys must be thinking, did the writer jump a page?,

Well yh, sorta.

Any way, right now Allen and I are in a car driving to his place,

You guys must also be wondering, she says it so casually?,

Well yes, cause I've gotten over the 'it finally dawning on me' phase.

Ok, I'll flash-back a little.

When I got back into the villa after...you know...talking to ahem! Alek.

I was well down cause... you know it..

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