Honeymoon 5#

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This view was breathtaking, when we arrived here in Russia in his jet, we took an helicopter to get here, I was so scared, will be an understatement, I couldn't even move, I just stayed still, shaking, the surprising thing here was that Allen held my hand during half of the ride here.

Yh we were next to each other on the helicopter, I was given a coat by one of the air hostesses and when we landed and he came out of a room, I found he was also wearing a coat. I guessed Russia was really cold and I stood corrected.

I wore it and it went well with what I wore, I was wearing a red turtle neck, jeans with a black scarf I styled as a cap.

"Are we going to stay in one of those houses?", I asked curious, I really wanted to know what the people were like.

"No, we are going to a small cabin", he turned around and I followed his actions. Lo' and behold a beautiful cabin comes in sight, I was knocked out of breath, I looked at his direction to see him pocketed and sigh with white smoke coming out of his mouth. I looked back at the cabin, awestruck, the orange lights beaming from the open windows and the starry night sky, with the snow, just added to the beauty.

Masha'Allah, This was perfect!.

It suddenly started to snow much heavily now,"C'mon, let's go in", he took long strides as I followed him in.

He opens the door, and we both get in only to be awestrucked again by the open setting of the living room, so much space!, One could only wonder what he/she will do with it.

There were two couches and a wooden table between them, with a fire place and a TV right at the top, and the large open windows allowing you to see the outside.

I did wish there was a curtain though so I could easily close it when there is need to.

What would you need to close it for eh?. Negi teased.

Excuse me, but I would have to cover my hair when I'm here what is someone comes to say hello or a passer by?.


I rolled my eyes at my own consciousness

I didn't realize I was already at the window looking at the snow falling immensely by the minute, it was beautiful, I wish I could go out there but not until I'm warm enough.

I pulled my coat off and hanged it at the coat hanger were Allen hung his. Suddenly I saw Allen come in sight from were it seems to be an open kitchen. He held two mugs in his hand, walking up to me.

"Coffee?", He asked without so much as a smile when he finally stopped at my front. I was surprised, he brought me coffee?.

Well I guess it's just a polite gesture, any human would do that right?. Posi gave an excuse.

Yh, he's polite that's the problem here, I thought he would have just gone up to a room and leave me to wonder here playing hide n' go seek with him.

I guess his not that bad.

Don't speak too soon.

"The kitchen is stocked with food ingredients, so you can make whatever you want...", He broke me from my inner argument making me face him as I sip my coffee,"but if you need anything else, inform me and I'll provide it".

"Ok thanks". I said and glanced at the kitchen, it was an open setting, with grey granite counter tops, grey cabinet, a large sink at a side on the counter, a built-in four faced cooker at the opposite side of the counter, a coffee machine, built in microwave and oven lined up on top of each other, a double door fridge, and a kitchen island with white bar stools, there was also a built in wine wrack.

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