... after all?...

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"are you ok?", Mikhail asked worried

I came out of my trance,"oh, umm, yh i am", I said and walked to his direction."lead the way", I smiled.

We walked up to the car, and entered it,"I'll call someone to come pick your car ma'am?", He asked looking from the rearview mirror, while starting the car.

I smiled,"sure, thanks", He started to drive off, and I stared out the window of the car.

I looked back at the car trying to look, if it would follow us, but apparently, it was still parked there.

I have a bad feeling about that car.

Are you sure you're not just overthinking it?. Posi says trying to be positive cause thats her job in my head.

No, I don't think so.

Pls. Negi sarcastically remarked. You overthink everything.

Do not!

Of course you don't. Her being sarcastic again.

Ok, well maybe just a little bit.

So...it's settled, let's be more positive, it might not be anything important.

Yh...ok...I guess.

I sighed. I still couldn't get rid of the feeling though.

"Are you ok...ma'am?", A voice boomed taking me away from my thoughts.

I looked at the hazel eyes looking back and forth from the road ahead and me at the back seat.

It's just that this morning going to work I had a feeling someone was following me and it turned out to be you, to which obviously I was relieved but the now I see the car that I guess was following me and turns out it's not your car, and now I'm having this gut feeling that I might have a stalker just cause I saw a dark- blue car that might be anyone elses car, and now I think I might be over-thinking just a little...not so little...and now my conciences are trying their very best to calm me, and it might probably not be working. So, no- no I'm not fine, pls...pls do help me?

"Yh, I am", I lied."why?".

"Oh nothing, just that I heard you sigh twice, and thought something might be up". He says, sarcasm oozing from his every letter.

I roll my eyes,"it's ok, I'm good, just tired", I lie yet again.


"Mm ok", he says finally focusing his eyes back on the road.

I small smile appears on my lips,"would you like to go get ice-cream with me?", I ask just to be polite.

He's eyebrow raised while still focusing on the road,"I thought you said...".

"Forget about what I said, I need to cool off", I say rubbing my temples.

"Ok then, it's not too late to find one near-by", I could feel him smiling from saying that.

He then tapped the screen of the dash-board revealing a map.

Wow, nice tech!.


"Seems like the ones closest are some miles away", he reveals. I looked at him through the front mirror. He looked bummed.

"That's ok, we can just go get star-bucks". I say and his face visibly brightens up.

"I haven't been here in so long", he says as we finally reach their drive through.

Not to judge but how could he not?

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