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My heart swells at the fact Parker just called me Teo

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My heart swells at the fact Parker just called me Teo. No one is allowed to call me Teo as it is what mother used to call me. Yet, when Parker says it I feel all warm inside. I guess, she's the only exception.

Making my way back to the dining room my mind can't help but wander to Parker. As I doctor, I know she is not healthy. Her BMI has got to be far too low. I also noticed her walking with a slight limp. Has she always had that or is it a recent injury? I'll have to talk to Lorenzo. 

There is something she's not telling us.

Upon entering the dining room, I'm met with arguing voices. 

"Why didn't you tell us she was a girl?" Ares asks Lorenzo.

Wow, of all people I'd think Ares would care the least.

"We were just as unaware as you. I wrongfully assumed Parker's gender based on her name and our families history with birthing females." Lorenzo calmy states. 

"She's tiny." Bruno mumbles to no one in particular. 

I take my chance to share my observations.

"Yes, she is far to small to be healthy. An average eleven year old should not be that small." I pause trying to think of the right words to say. 

"I also noticed she walks with a limp." I state.

"Indeed, she is terrible at hiding it." Ares interrupts.

"So, it must be a recent occurrence. If a previous incident caused the injury, she wouldn't wince with every step" Bruno points out.

If this is a recent occurrence, why wouldn't she tell us? Sure, she just met us but why suffer in pain? 

"I noticed that as well as her timid demeanor. She also flinches at sudden movement." Lorenzo adds. 

Something is not adding up here.

"I asked Francesco to look into her past." Lorenzo informs the younger three.

"And?" Luca urges.

"And nothing." Lorenzo signs taking a sip of his drink before continuing.

"He found nothing out of the ordinary, nothing to explain her behavior." Lorenzo finishes.

"I think we should just call it a night, it's been a long day. We can ask her about it tomorrow." I announce.

I receive head nods in agreement. We all decide to head up to bed.

After making sure Matteo is gone, I decide to have a shower

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After making sure Matteo is gone, I decide to have a shower. 

Walking into the bathroom, I go to the linen closet grabbing a towel and setting it on the counter. Entering the shower, I am completely confused. My old shower just had a knob you would turn. This shower had so many different buttons. I opt to press the big one in the middle. Suddenly, water starts pouring from the ceiling. 

I reach my hand out to check the temperature and to my surprise it's already hot. Usually, I'd have to wait a good five minutes for lukewarm water. 

I hop in and start washing my body, I'm careful to not push too hard on the bruises. Though, the hot water does a great job relaxing my sore muscles. I shampoo and condition my hair leaving it smelling like roses before stepping out of the shower. 

Looking in the mirror, I grimace at the sight in front of me. My bones are visible almost everywhere on my body. Especially, at the ribs, hips and collarbone. The bruises left by James have barely begun to heal, they still look a disgusting purple green color. 

I lift my bad ankle on to the counter to get a proper look at it for the first time. To say the least, what I see is not good. It looks at least double the size of my other ankle and also sports some ugly bruising. I decide to poke it but immediately bite my lip to stop myself from screaming. 

Could I have broken it?

Deciding I've had enough mirror time, I enter my bedroom limping over to my desk. I grab a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt from the pile provided by my brothers. 

That feels weird to say - brothers. 

Pulling the sweatpants on, I have to fold the waistband multiple times. Even after that, I still have to roll the bottom at each leg. These guys are huge.

Pulling the hoodie over my sports bra, I laugh at myself. I look ridiculous right now, I'm swimming in these clothes. But, at least I'm cozy and it hides my injuries.

I brush my wet hair choosing to air dry it while I sleep. 

Grabbing Herman, I crawl onto the giant king sized bed. I practically wrestle the sheets before finally turning off the lights - well all except one, I'm not a huge fan of the dark. Content with how soft this bed is, I cuddle my stuffed cow while drifting to sleep. 


I shoot straight up in my bed, gasping for air. My eyes dart around my surroundings. I am in my new room, at my brothers house. It was just a nightmare. 

In my nightmare, I was back with my stepfather. He was drunk as usual and relentlessly beating me. But, he's not here. James is dead, he can't get me anymore.

After reassuring myself that I am safe from James, I eventually calm my racing heart down. My mouth feels dry so I look around for a glass of water. With no such luck, I decide to venture down to the kitchen. Lorenzo said no basement or third floor. He didn't say anything about the kitchen.  But what if I'm not allowed to leave my room? Oh well, I'm far too thirsty right now.

I rip the covers off my body and quietly climb off my bed. As long as I don't make any noise, I should be safe. With that last thought, I tiptoe to my door and peak my head into the hallway. 

Seeing the coast is clear, I rack my mind for the path I took earlier with Matteo. As I am slithering through the hallways, I can't help but admire the beauty of this house. From the carpet to the staircase railing everything screams luxury. 

After about five minutes of searching, I find myself in a kitchen. Looking for a cup, I spot them up high through the glass window of a cabinet. Shoot, how am I going to reach that?

I'd probably have to pull a stool over. No, that'll be way too loud. 

Sighing in defeat, I am about to give up. That is until I spot a mug next to the coffee maker. That'll work!

I happily grab the mug before opening the fridge and pouring myself an ice cold glass of water. Without bothering to close the fridge as I am far too thirsty, I greedly drink the refreshment. 

I close the fridge feeling satisfied. Intent of returning the mug I turn back around, only to drop the mug in terror. Looking down, I watch the ceramic shatter into pieces. 

Slowly, I lift my gaze back up towards what startled me. A tall intimidating man dressed in a suit stands before me. A glint of silver catches my eye, he holds what looks to be a kitchen knife. Pointing it in my direction, he speaks.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now?" He grits through his teeth. 

Oh my god, I'm gonna die.

[word count 1250]

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