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Despite being home, and not in the hospital, I still have little freedom

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Despite being home, and not in the hospital, I still have little freedom. I am constantly being scolded for running in the house by Matteo. So, we compromised and I have been spending a lot of time in our garden. With it being late November, it's been difficult to plant any flowers, but I do enjoy looking at the autumn colors.

When I am not in the garden, I am texting my friends. Specifically Haven and Braelyn, for some reason Reid hasn't been answering my texts - which I find super weird. It's not like we are fighting or anything. I just haven't heard from him since he visited me at the hospital. I go back to school on Monday after getting my stitches out so, hopefully I can talk to him then.

"Come on, Parker!" Ares shouts from the foyer.

After constant begging to see Ravi, Ares finally agreed to allow me to accompany him to his gym.

"Be right there!" I shout back, zipping my jacket up.

I am secretly hoping Reid's cousin is working the front desk again, then hopefully she can tell me why he isn't answering his phone. He probably just got a new number or something.

Running down the stairs, my heavy cast swinging by my side, I am abruptly lifted in the air just as I am about to reach the bottom.

"How many times have I told you not to run in the house, especially down the stairs?" Matteo scolds as I roll in his arms, trying to escape his hold.

"Please, Parker, you get your stitches out tonight, then back to school. Can't you give my poor heart a break?" He continues after my lack of reply.

Doctor Matteo has made an appearance ever since my accident, and I don't think he's given himself a day off since.

"Teo, stop worrying about me! I'm all good, I promise." I laugh as he tickles my sides.

Eventually, he releases me to the ground. Now, standing in front of me, he eyes me skeptically.

"Pinky promise?" He asks, crouching down and holding out his pinky.

I smile in response, hooking my little finger with his.

"You act as though I'm not going to be with her the entire time." Ares states from the doorway. He swings his keys around his fingers, obviously tired of waiting for me.

As Matteo has his back to Ares, he rolls his eyes mocking him, which makes me laugh.

"Yes, I'm aware." Matteo says, straightening himself up.

He gives me one last pat on my head before I rush past him and Ares to the garage.

I can't wait to see Ravi!


As soon as we arrive at Ares gym, I attempt to rush out of the car but I am met with a locked door - stupid child locks. As of recently my brothers have been extra cautious with me. I think it is because of my accident but, if it was really just an accident why are they so worried?

Showing no sense of urgency, Ares finally opens the door for me. I send him my best glare. I just want to see my furry friend.

Although, one pointed look from Ares tells me not to run off. So, I reluctantly wait for my older brother who moves at a snail's pace.

Finally, we reach the hallway leading to Ares's office. I immediately break out into a sprint pushing open his door. I throw myself at the brown ball of fluff who barely has any time to even acknowledge my presence.

I bombard Ravi with affection and treats that I forced Ares to keep at his gym. In the meantime, Ares does whatever work he needs to do at his desk.

After much pestering, Ares lets me take Ravi outside to use the bathroom. Muttering something along the lines of you gave him too many treats. We use the back exit near the dumpsters that have become me and Reid's favorite place.

That reminds me, I need to question someone about his lack of responses. I'm sure it's nothing, he probably just broke his phone. But, I can't help feeling it could be something worse.

Ares stands with his foot against the door, talking on his phone. He really took the 'she will be with me the entire time' seriously.

Ravi starts growling at something off in the distance, effectively bringing my attention back to him. I lightly tug at his leash, although we both know if he were to take off, I do not have the strength to stop him. He's a big boy.

I look off in the distance to try and see why he's growling but, come up with nothing as it's getting pretty dark outside.

Eventually, Ares ushers me back inside. I try to soak up all the moments I can with Ravi before I have to go home.


When we return home, after entering through the garage, I am met with the three eldest Martinez brothers in our living room. Perfect, just the family I wanted to see.

They seem to be in a pretty serious looking discussion as the atmosphere radiates tension. To be honest, I have never met Reid's brothers in person, he's only shown me some pictures of them. However, it's easy to tell which one Seb is. The oldest looks almost as intimidating as Enzo did when I first met him.

As I enter, all eyes go to me. Not liking the attention, I quickly make my way to Enzo. He happily lets me hide my face in his suit jacket.

"Parks, why don't you go find Matteo? You finally get to get your stitches removed." He tells me as I continue to bask in the comfort of his arms.

I take a deep breath and turn my body around so I am now facing the other men in the room.

"I have a question for them." I all but whisper to Lorenzo.

Lorenzo crouches down next to me, encouraging me to ask them.

"Umm... is Reid okay? He's not answering his p-phone." I ask, forcing my voice to be a little louder.

The eldest Martinez brothers seem to flinch at my question, almost caught off guard.

"Reid's just feeling a little under the weather, bambina." Lorenzo answers from beside me.

He clearly saw the hesitance in their lack of response. I quickly accept the answer with a nod of my head before scurrying out of the room to find Matteo.

But I can't help wondering if Reid were sick, he could still answer his phone. Also, wouldn't someone need to be home to take care of him. I know his brother's seem cold and distant but surely they wouldn't leave Reid home alone, especially while sick.

I shake my head at these thoughts, I'm just an overthinker.

[word count 1137]

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