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"The principessa has arrived

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"The principessa has arrived." Matteo exclaims, as he enters our private room carrying Parker. 

I shift my attention from my phone, glancing at Parker in Matteo's arms. She stares in awe at the lavish details throughout the room. She is still dressed in her school uniform and I curse myself for the sudden change in schedule. I needed Luca at one of our warehouses today, shortly following the start of school.

"Where are the chicken tenders?" Parker asks, clearly displeased.

I fight the urge to smile at her angryness, because everything she does is adorable.

"This restaurant does not serve chicken tenders." I state, placing my phone in my suit pocket.

My response earns a dramatic huff from Parker as she wiggles out of Matteo's grasp, opting to sit next to Ares in the booth. She sinks into the cushioned seat, but not before crossing her arms, a pout resting on her face.

My brothers and I all exchange a look, what has got Parker in a mood? We have never seen her like this before. 

Deciding not to dwell too much on it, I motion for them to start eating. The food had just arrived briefly before Matteo and Parker. I ordered a plethora of things to be served buffet style, knowing we have all had full days, increasing our appetites.

Matteo and I sit at the head of the table, on opposite sides. That leaves Parker and Ares in the booth along the wall, with Bruno and Luca in chairs across from them.

Being the animals they are, the boys quickly fill their plates. 

"Parks, what do you want to eat?" Matteo asks noticing Parker's empty plate.

She mumbles something under her breath, never raising her gaze from her lap. 

"Parker, I believe Matteo asked you a question." I state firmly.

Now, she looks up. Her gaze meeting mine before turning to Matteo.

"I. Want. Chicken. Tenders." She repeats, never breaking eye-contact with Matteo.

Her response attracts the attention of the entire table, the three youngest brothers halting their meal to watch this interaction.

"Loose the tone." I harshly add, causing Parker's head to snap back towards me. 

Matteo draws her attention back.

"As stated, this place does not make chicken tenders. Why not have some pasta instead?" He counters, trying to avoid upsetting Parker further.

She reluctantly nods, seeming to have lost all the energy to fight.

 We all carry on with our meals as Matteo serves Parker some buttered noodles. She seriously is the pickiest eater. 

Despite the obvious tension in the room, Luca decides to initiate conversation.

"So, Parks, how was your first day?" He questions as he shovels more food into his mouth.

Parker mutters good just loud enough for all of us to hear.

"Come on, that's all I get? Tell me about your day." Luca asks, clearly not satisfied with her answer. 

Remind me to work on Luca's ability to read body language. 

"No, tell me about your day!" Parker suddenly snaps sitting up straight in her seat, gaining the full attention of the table.

"I waited for you at lunch and after school. You left me." She says, her voice cracking towards the end. 

Is that what this is about? Does she think we forgot about her? 

Luca looks to me for help with a shocked expression. In fact, we are all shocked to see our sorellina lash out like this. Some of us are just better at hiding it than others. 

"I do not know what has gotten into you. You do not speak to us like that." I scold Parker.

Her face falls in to a look of fear.

"If you must know, Luca was needed beside me today." I add a bit gentler, trying to avoid making her terrified of me again. 

Parker remains silent and sinks into her seat once again, completely ignoring her food. However, the rest of us continue to eat, small conversations starting amongst my brothers and I.


As dinner comes to a close, we currently wait on dessert - Luca's request of course. 

Parker has remained defient throughout the remainder of dinner. Refusing to speak, not that we asked her any further questions and rejected her food. This is a bit concerning given we have never see any sort of behavior like this from Parker. 

As I look at her now, I see her fighting to keep her eyes open. Her chin slowly dropping to her chest every few moments before she lifts it. She must be exhausted.

Catching Ares attention, I wordlessly motion to our sorellina beside him. Knowing what to do, he slides closer to Parker, which goes unnoticed in her sleepy state.

As her chin slowly drops again, Ares gently tilts her head onto his shoulder. Parker's subconscious reacts immediately, wrapping her arms around his neck. 

Ares opts to just lift the tired girl into his lap, Parker now sleeping on him like a koala. Her arms remain loosely around his neck while her cheeks are smooshed against his shoulder. Her legs lay on either side of Ares lap. 

I don't fail to notice the picture Bruno sneaks of this interaction. I don't blame him, the way Ares strokes her hair and stares lovingly at our sorellina is a rare sight. 

Soon enough, dessert comes leaving Luca pleased. As we stand to leave, Parker stirs in Ares arms causing all of us to hold our breaths. The last thing I need right now is her waking up and freaking out. However, Ares rocks her much like a baby, effectively sending her back to sleep. 

A new problem arises when I realize Bruno and Ares took a two door Maserati. Knowing Parker cannot ride with them, Luca volunteers to go with Bruno, in place of Ares. 

Now seated in the much bigger Ranger Rover, I start the car with Matteo sitting next to me in the passenger seat. 

Cautiously, Ares gets in the back seat with Parker. He tries to place her beside him, but fails as even in her sleep, Parker has a death grip. 

Signing in defeat, Ares buckles himself over Parker. This motion jolting Parker awake.

"Ares?" She mutters in recognition.

Ares hums in confirmation.

"I'm sorry." she whispers.

Ares begins stroking her hair again, easily lulling her back to sleep.

"I know." He whispers to no one in particular, placing a kiss on her forehead.

Knowing she is safe in Ares arms, I begin our drive home.

[word count 1074]

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