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Parker stirs in my arms, soft whimpers leave her lips as she finally opens her eyes

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Parker stirs in my arms, soft whimpers leave her lips as she finally opens her eyes. With all the anesthesia now worn off, I'm sure she's in a lot of pain. As careful as possible, I remove her from my arms. With this action, Parker whines louder. I quickly look for some paper to communicate with.

Hi Bambina, the nurses are coming in. We've got to get you up and walking. Then you can go back to sleeping.

I quickly write before showing my exhausted sister.

However painful it may be, it's important to get patients up and moving as soon as possible. Walking will keep their muscles strong, and prevent complications.

I receive the most innocent puppy dog eyes in response, no doubt indicating her plea to change my mind.

Sorry Parks, you've got to keep your muscles strong.

She huffs in response, now opting to glare at me.

Moments later, two nurses walk in. After telling them Parker knows what to expect, they help me sit her up. Parker's face crunches up in pain, as she struggles to keep her tears at bay. My strong sorellina.

Once sitting up, the nurses help Parker dangle her legs over the edge of the bed. As Parker trusts me most, and given I have medical training, the nurses let me be the one to help her.

I give Parker my most encouraging smile while nodding my head urging her to stand up. Since the bed has been lowered, her feet now easily touch the floor. I grab her hands, making sure to be extra gentle with her broken arm, and ease her into a standing position.

I watch Parker's face for any indication she may be in too much pain. After a few moments her face relaxes into an uneasy expression. I take this as my que to step back, encouraging Parker to take one forward. Her sock clad feet shuffle forward, an accomplished look spreads across her face.

Knowing she can handle it, I make the decision to take Parker out of her room and into the hall. I think seeing the cute animal decorations will brighten her spirit.

Despite moving at a snail's pace, we eventually make it to the door leading to the hall. Once outside, I move to stand beside Parker, however making sure I still have a good grip on her should she collapse.

Her gaze snaps from her feet to my face, a worried expression present. I simply offer her a smile and look at the wall in front of us. She slowly follows my gaze, a toothy smile spreads across her face at the sight.

It seems as though each hallway in this hospital has a different animal theme. It just so happened that Parker was placed in the cow hallway. I doubt I'll ever truly understand her love for cows.

Further down the hall, arguing catches my attention. Our three youngest brothers approach. Ares and Luca bickering as Bruno quietly follows. Shouting to catch their attention, their voices immediately quiet down.

Parker, not hearing them, remains unaware of their presence as she stares in fascination at the cow mural.

Bruno is the first to reach my side. He hesitantly pulls Parker's stuffed cow from his bag, struggling on how to hand it to her.

I gently tap Parker's shoulder, pulling her from her thoughts. She turns to me with a confused expression that quickly shifts to joy when she sees her brothers. As quickly as she is able to, she closes the gap between her and Bruno, however still relying on me heavily for support.

"I was so scared." She whispers in a shaky voice, wrapping her good arm around Bruno's waist.

Leave it to Parker to worry about others with the condition she's in.

Bruno gently rubs her back in return. When Parker finally pulls away, he hands her Herman, which she quickly buries her face into.

Ares is quick to replace his twin, he physically restrains himself from squeezing the life out of Parker with his hug.

"Never ever scare me like that again." He mutters into her hair, despite knowing she can't hear him.

Lastly Luca kisses Parker's forehead, knowing full and well he would not be able to control the strength of his hug.

Before Parker can question Lorenzo's whereabouts, I help her walk back to her bed. Only a few tears of pain are shed before she eventually lays down with Herman beside her. I hold up a note for her to read.

You're due for more pain medicine now. So you can rest, I'll be here the whole time, tesoro.

Her eyes quickly skim it before falling back on me.

"The good stuff?" She faintly asks.

I nod my head. Yep, the good stuff.


While Parker slept, the nurses moved her to a different room. She is now out of the ICU and in the burn unit. Her new room is much more spacious. A large sectional sofa sits beside large windows. There is a coffee table in front of it, with a TV across mounted on a wall. An ensuite bathroom connects to the room, supplied with anything she may need. Upon walking into the room, Parker's hospital bed as well as all her machines greet you. I'm sure our family name has got something to do with this major upgrade.

As gently as possible, I hold Parker in my arms. The task proves difficult with all her wires and injuries. However, I know being able to touch me helps ease Parker as she cannot hear.

Parker awakens a few hours later, her gaze scans the new room before falling back on me. I run a hand through her hair, wincing as I pull through some knots.

Can I braid your hair?

I ask by writing on a notepad. She nods her head, most likely understanding braids will keep her long hair from tangling.

As I begin parting her hair into two sections, deciding to french braid it, Parker motions for Bruno to come over.

A bit confused, Bruno makes his way to a chair beside Parker's bed. He gives me a puzzled look, but I shrug my shoulders in response. I don't know what she wants.

Once Bruno is seated and close enough, Parker clears her throat.

"Can you tattoo my cast, please?" She rasps, her voice rough from lack of use.

Bruno's muscles instantly relax, and he offers her a genuine smile, immediately agreeing.

What do you want me to draw?

He asks Parker, after I hand him the notepad.

"Surprise me." She responds, a bit of excitement in her tone.

As I finish her hair, I remove myself from Parker's bed. I help situate her with her cast on a pillow, elevated and easily accessible for Bruno. Parker's Tattoo Artist returns with a sharpie, quickly beginning work on his new client.

With Herman under her right arm, Parker watches in amazement while Bruno works. However, her recent pain medication dose causes her to drowsily drift off to sleep.

Knowing she's in good hands, I excuse myself to find Lorenzo. Our eldest brother's avoidance act has been going on for far too long. I'm sure the next time Parker wakes, she'll start asking about Enzo, her teddy bear.

[word count 1213]

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