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Parks and I took a drive to a local neighborhood as our house is quite secluded

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Parks and I took a drive to a local neighborhood as our house is quite secluded. The whole ride there my sorellina was bouncing in excitement, rambling on about different types of candy. 

As we walk through the streets filled with dressed up child and their parents, I shake my head at the not so subtle extra protection Lorenzo sent to keep an eye on us. To the untrained eye they blend in. However, for a person like me who has grown up always keeping an eye out for unusual behavior, I easily notice them.

Watching as the sun slowly starts to set, I carry Parker's heavy bag of candy as we continue our festive activity. I notice she is starting to slow down, showing signs of fatigue.

"Hey Parks, think you got enough candy? Wanna head home, it's getting pretty late." I ask slowing down my pace for the tired child.   

She hums in response, leaning into my side. 

I wrap an arm around her shoulder as we walk back to the car. She hops in the backseat with her candy resting in her lap. Making sure she's buckled, I start the journey back home. 

"Thanks for coming with me, Luca." I hear Parker tiredly mutter.

I briefly glance at her through the rearview mirror noticing she's already half asleep.

"Anything for you." I respond softly.

I doubt she heard me as the even rise and fall of her chest tells me she's knocked out.

I make quick work of our drive home. Parking in the garage, I open the back seat gently scooping her sleeping form in my arms. With my free arm, I grab her bag of candy, knowing how protective she is over it.

Entering the house through the garage, I'm met with Matteo in the living room working on his laptop. He glances up feeling our presence. 

"What happened? Why's she sleeping, it's only quarter past eight." Matteo quickly asks as I set Parker down on the couch.

I place a blanket over her while Matteo adjusts her head so it's not at such an awkward angle.

"Well, I may have let her eat too much candy - sugar high and... sugar crash." I respond sheepishly scratching the back of my head.

Matteo sends me a disapproving look to which I shrug my shoulders.

"You try saying no to that face." I voice defensively. "Plus, I'm just letting her be a normal kid. It's not Halloween without eating too much candy." I finish sinking into the couch across from Parker.

Matteo seems to have accepted my excuse for the time being, going back to his work. But, not before muttering something along the lines of she better not get sick under his breath. 

I feel my tense muscles relax when I hear my youngest siblings arrive back home

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I feel my tense muscles relax when I hear my youngest siblings arrive back home. After the message I just received, an urgent fratello meeting is in order. 

Leaving the third floor in a rush, I follow the hushed voices into the living room. Upon entering I am met with my sorellina sleeping in a bundle of blankets as Luca and Matteo quietly converse nearby.

For now, I disregard my brothers and move closer to Parker. Seeing she is out like a light, I gently scoop her into my arms bridal style. With her still wrapped in a blanket, I set off to her room. 

"I'm putting her to bed, I expect both of you as well as the twins waiting in the conference room when I'm finished." I demand with a low tone of voice to not disturb Parker.

Not stopping to hear their reply, I finish my trek to Parker's room. Using my foot to push open her door, I place my still sleeping sorellina on her bed. 

Noticing she is still in her charming costume, I enter her closet in search of something more comfortable. I shake my head amusingly at the amount of sweatshirts she has stolen from our brothers. I grab one and head back into her room, but as I look to where I left her, I'm met with a now awake Parker staring back. 

"Thought you'd want something more comfortable." I softly speak trying to lull her back to sleep.

I really need her sleeping during this meeting, it would make things a lot easier. 

No response is given, instead sad eyes stare back at me. 

"What's the matter, bambina?" I asks sitting on the bed next to her.

I slowly start undoing her tie as I wait for a response.

"'s nothing" She mutters looking to her hands.

I start removing her shoes for her as I give her an encouraging look, indicating she can tell me.

"I miss mom." She says releasing a sigh. "Halloween was special to us and it just feels wrong without her." Parker finishes her voice cracking.

As I tuck some fallen hair behind her ear, It's my turn to release a sigh. My poor baby.

"Do you want to visit her?" I ask as she pulls the giant hoodie over her head.

She freezes mid motion finally registering my offer.

"What?" She asks while quickly resuming her actions.

 Her head is finally pulled through the hoodie, causing the hood to cover her head - she drowns in the material. 

"Do you want to go to Chicago to visit our mother?" I rephrase clearly. 

I watch her sad eyes glimmer with tears.

"Really?" She asks in denial, letting a stray tear fall.

I wipe the tear with the pad of my thumb before it can drip from her chin.

"Yes, piccola." I reassure her.

Parker launches herself into my arms for a second time tonight, squeezing me as tight as her body can muster.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! James never let me visit her grave." She speaks into my shoulder.

I softly squeeze her in return, kissing the top of her head.

"Dream about what kind of flowers we will get her, okay?" I say releasing my hold on her body.

She remains latched onto me a few moments longer before finally settling back into her bed.

"m'kay Enzo." She mutters as she cuddles into her blankets.

I stand from her bed, moving her accessories to her desk for the time being. Glancing at her body that is swallowed whole by the ridiculous amount of blankets she owns, I turn her light off.

"Love you." I hear her whisper shout from the darkness.

I feel my heart swell at her comment.

"Love you more, sorellina." I whisper back.

With that final comment, I close her door. I allow myself only a moment to bury any emotion just displayed. It's time for business, and this meeting has to do with the little girl on the other side of that door who has managed to find her way into my heart.

This business is personal.

[word count 1150]

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