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Grabbing my lunchbox from my bag, I rock back and forth on my feet, debating on where to go

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Grabbing my lunchbox from my bag, I rock back and forth on my feet, debating on where to go. As I look around, I notice everyone seems to have a group of friends to stand by while walking to the dinning hall. I decide to just stand alone - socializing has never been my forte.

Once our teacher dismisses us for lunch, I leave last, following the crowds lead.

"Hey, Parker?" I hear a voice softly ask.

I whip my head to my left, not realizing Braelyn was beside me this entire time.

"Yeah?" I respond, shaking off my jitteriness.

"Do you want to sit with me at lunch?" Braelyn asks.

I can help the grin that breaks out on my face. Maybe Braelyn can be my first friend?

"I'll take it you do?" She laughs out.

Realising I never actually answered her question, I nod my head. My smile never leaves my lips as we enter the cafe together.

Luckily, no one cares about sixth graders, so no attention is diverted to us when we enter. I follow as Braelyn directs us to a small table beside a window.

Although we sit alone, I rather like it. It's a nice break from constant stares and gossip. Additionally, Braelyn seems to be a very introverted, soft-spoken person like me. I have a feeling we will be getting along great, I just hope she agrees.


As lunch came to a close, I was upset at the fact Luca never said hi to me. However, Matteo left a cute note in my lunchbox so, that brightened my mood.

Braelyn and I got to know eachother better. Turns out, she has three older brother who are friends with my family. Apparently, they stared out as business partners but grew close as they are similar in age - at least that's what Braelyn thinks.

Swinging my feet back and forth, I now sit outside the academy on a bench. The plan was Luca and I would go home together but, an hour has passed with no sign of him. I stare out at the empty parking lot wondering if I did something wrong. Have they forgotten about me?

A sleek black SUV parks right infront of me, pulling me from my intrusive thoughts. Milo hops out of the passenger seat and rushes towards me.

"There you are!" He exclaims, now standing right in front of me.

I just shrug my shoulders, as he scans my body. Where else would I be?

"Let's go." Milo says running a hand through his hair.

What's got him so stressed?

I stand from the bench, moving to grab my backpack that sat beside me. However, to my surprise, Milo already has is. I shoot him a bewildered look but, he waves it off, motioning me to the open backseat door.

Crawling into my seat, I notice Remo is behind the wheel. Offering him a small smile, I buckle my seatbelt. As soon as it clicks, the car begins to move.

"Where are we going?" I curiously ask.

Milo opens his mouth to answer but Remo cuts him off.

"Dinner." He grunts out.

Could I get more than a one word answer?

"Why are you guys picking me up? Where's Luca?" I ask.

I really am letting my curiosity get the best of me.

Remo mutters something about children asking too many questions, but I just choose to ignore him. Instead, I look to Milo expectantly.

"ummm.. look Parker, your brothers have very busy lives. Often times things come up and plans change." Milo explains, seemingly struggling to find the right words.

I guess his explanation makes sense, but what about Luca?

"As for Luca, yes, he is still in high school, but he is eighteen therefore expected to help with your family's business" Remo adds in.

I mutter an okay in response.These people are seriously mind readers.

My mood dampens as I stare out the window. I guess, I got so used to my brothers always being there, that I forgot the feeling of being alone. I just expected at least one of my brothers to pick me up on my first day, even if it was just riding home with Luca.

I need to get over myself. After all, they are adults with jobs and they have lives.

For the rest of the ride to the unknown dinner location, I remain quiet. I spend my time staring out the window at the passing trees. Much to my dismay, my stomach starts to growl indicating I am now both hungry and tired. Not a good combination with me already in an irritable mood.

As Remo parks the car infront of the building, I only have one thing on my mind. After not seeing any of my brothers for a full eight hours, you'd think it'd be them. No, they come second. All I can think about right now is chicken tenders. I don't know why this craving has come about, but I just can't seem to get my mind off of them.

With a new pep in my step at the thought of chicken tenders, I thank Milo for holding the door open and exit the car.

I practically skip through the fancy french doors leading into the restaurant, a professional looking man opening them for me.

I admire the beauty of this restaurant, it is hands down the most expensive one I've ever step foot in. Chandeliers and marble flooring greet me once I past the double doors. A live orchestra plays in the corner, adding to the rich atmosphere.

Once I am done spinning in circles admiring this place, I realize Matteo is standing against a nearby wall.

As my gaze lands on him, I blush in embarrassment. A smirking Matteo, pushes himself off the wall and walks to me.

A grin breaking out on my face, I rush towards him launching myself at his torso. Expecting this, Matteo lifts me from under my armpits with ease.

"Oh mio neonata, I've missed you!" He exclaims swinging me in a circle.

[Oh my baby girl]

I giggle at his antics, genuinely happy to be back with my brothers - even if I was only away at school.

"Teo, it wasn't that long." I respond clinging to him like a monkey.

Matteo begins walking up a grand staircase, with me still latched to his side.

"It was long enough for me." He whispers in my ear, kissing the side of my head.

In response, I lay my head on his shoulder, in a happy daze.

Matteo continues the journey to wherever our dinner awaits. I bask in the comfort of his arms not only because he's my brother, but I am far too tired to be walking right now. School is tiring.

"The principessa has arrived." Matteo announces as he enters a private room.

Lifting my head from his shoulder, my jaw drops in awe. I take back what I said before, this is the most exavagrant room I've ever been in.

However, my mood takes a turn for the worst as my eyes search the table. Something is missing, and it's not any of my brothers.

"Where are the chicken tenders?" I draw out slowly, indicating my displeasure.

[word count 1201]

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