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Closing the door to my room, I collapse on my bed releasing a heavy sign

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Closing the door to my room, I collapse on my bed releasing a heavy sign. That was a close one.

Despite my constant limping today, no one mentioned anything. Maybe they haven't noticed. To be honest, I haven't been hiding it the best recently. When Bruno lifted me today, he put pressure on my bruised ribs. I let out a harsh wince, but maybe he was to preoccupied with relief from finding me. 

Glancing at the clock, I notice it's only 8:17 PM. Deciding to take a shower, I enter my closet looking for something to sleep in. I did not however, expect my once empty closet to be filled to the brim.  

Whilst downstairs, my brothers must of had the maids empty my shopping bags. I must say, they did an extraordinary job. Everything is organized by clothing type and color. I need to thank them.

I grab a matching long sleeved pink pajama set. This should cover all my bruises. Looking for socks to hide my ankle injury, I grab long fuzzy socks - also pink. 

Who would've thought that just a few days ago, I'd go from having practically nothing, to having the lifestyle to match my outfits. I really am grateful, but I feel like it's too much. 

My brothers are definitely spoiling me. Why? I don't know. Like yeah, we are family. But in my eyes we are still strangers. Nonetheless, I'm not going to complain.

Besides, as long as they don't discover I'm just a broken little girl with emotional baggage, they shouldn't get rid of me. At least that's the plan.

Once I'm done in the shower, I brush my teeth and hair. I changed into my comfy new pajamas that actually fit, and crawl under my bed covers. 

I pull Herman out from under my pillow. My brothers probably think it's ridiculous that I sleep with a stuffed cow. But, I don't care. Herman and I have been through everything together. 

I remember mom telling me I should always drink my milk so I can grow big and strong. She said it'd make Herman happy. If only I knew then what I know now.

I glance at the time seeing it's 9:33 PM. I cuddle Herman under my arm and try to find a comfortable position to sleep in. It's a rather hard task given my bruises. Come to think of it, shouldn't they be healing? Shouldn't the pain be fading? 

Deciding not to dwell on it as everyone's body heals differently, I focus on trying to sleep. 


The next morning was not all that eventful. I trudged my way downstairs still in my pajamas. Upon entering the kitchen, I notice all my brothers are present apart from Lorenzo and Ares. Thank heavens, the scariest ones aren't here. 

"Good morning, Bambina. Get enough sleep, I hope?" Matteo greets. 

He must be a morning person because I swear no one is this happy at 8:00 AM.

"Yep." I respond mustering up a fake smile.

"Great.... well I made some omelets. " Matteo replies after wearily observing me as if he doesn't agree with my response. 

It's kind of hard to sleep when I'm in constant pain - but I can't tell him that.

He places an omelet the size of a basketball infront of me. My eyes widen in shock, how am I supposed to even make a dent in this?

"It's okay if you don't finish it, just eat what you can." He says seeing my widened eyes.

Just nodding my head in response, I pick up the fork and start eating. I only managed a few bits, but I continued to push the food around my plate. 

"Parker, stop playing with you food." Lorenzo says.

Startling me, I drop my fork. I cringe as it makes a loud clanking noise. When did he get here? 

"'m finished." I state in response. I hold my breath hoping he'll just let it go. They are stuffing me like a pig for god's sake.

I hear a long collective sigh from both Lorenzo and Matteo. I know, I am a disappointment.

"Why don't you go change. When your done, I was hoping you'd join me for a tour of the house." Matteo suggests trying to brighten the mood.

I did really want to explore the garden outside, I do love nature.

"Okay." I respond with a genuine smile. 

"Off you go then." Matteo responds smiling while gesturing his hands in a shoo motion. 

I quickly leave the kitchen actually excited for once. I make my way up the stairs when I feel a sharp pain in my side. Wincing, I grab my side hoping to alleviate some of the pain. However that didn't work. 

Now at the top of the stairs, I grab the bottom of my shirt. Lifting it, I am met with a still dark ugly bruises. Gosh, will these ever go away?

"What's that?" I hear a voice angrily hiss.

I rapidly lower my shirt, while whipping my head in the direction of the voice. Met with angry darken eyes, an involuntary chill runs down my arms. Ares.

When I don't respond he takes a threatening step forward. I take one back.

"I said, what is that?" He repeats in a chilling tone.

"'s nothing." I say defensively, avoiding eye-contact.

Not being able to look Ares in the eye, I opt to stare at his shoes. I notice him take yet another step forward. 

"Let me see." He demands. 

I frantically shake my head. No, Ares of all people cannot find out. 

"Parker, I am not asking." He spits advancing another step.

I take another step backwards slowly meeting his gaze in the process. I wish I didn't. His eyes are clouded with so much anger. For who, I don't know. But in the event it's for me, I step back again. 

"N-no." I whisper, overcome with fear.

"Parker..." Ares repeats in a raised voice, still slowly advancing.

Wanting to create as much space between us as possible, I take another step backwards. Only, I misjudged where the stairs begin. My foot misses the step causing me to lose my balance. I feel as though the next few seconds happen in slow motion as I begin to tumble backwards. 

I watch Ares eyes widen in panic. He leaps forwards trying to prevent my fall, but he's too late. 

I fall the entire length of the staircase meeting the harsh marble floor at the bottom. I cover my head with my arms in the hopes of protecting it. But, by raising my arms to protect my head, my ribs were left defenseless. 

A sickening crack echoes throughout the foyer as my body finally meets the floor. 

If my ribs weren't broken before, they definitely are now.

[word count 1132]

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