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Sucking on a lollipop, I glare at Matteo who sits across the room

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Sucking on a lollipop, I glare at Matteo who sits across the room. Much to my dismay, I just had to complete an allergy test. Basically, I got poked with a bunch of different substances to see if my body has a reaction. I didn't really pay attention after I was promised a lollipop if I cooperated. 

Matteo concluded the only thing I'm allergic to is fish. He said that would explain why I went into... what did he call it? Anaphylactic shock?  Apparently dinner last night contained swordfish, which is of course a fish. No more fish for me!

Matteo reassured me that if I were to ever eat fish again, which he'd make sure I didn't - he has placed epipens literally everywhere. In every room and car plus other places just in case. Someone's a little paranoid.

Walking to the car, I finally get to go home as I spent the night in the hospital with Matteo fretting over me. If I'm being honest, It kind of feels nice to have someone worry over my well-being. 

I insisted my other brothers didn't need to stay the night. I didn't want to further disturb their busy lives with my dumb allergy. 

Once in the car, Matteo asks me if I want a snack. Apparently, Luca always makes sure to stash food in everyones car, in case he's stuck with one of them.

Feeling a little peckish, I agree. Matteo tells me to pick whatever I want in the pocket behind the driver's seat. I look through my options and decide on something small.

Matteo starts the car and begins driving, of course not before making sure I'm buckled. I begin absentmindedly munching on my snack while listening to the radio. But, a sudden realization makes me giggle.

"What's so funny, bambina?" Matteo asks turning down the radio.

He quickly looks in the rearview mirror with a smile on his face, before returning his attention to the road.

"My snack." I respond still laughing.

I look at the bag in my hands and can't help but giggle again.

"What about your snack? He responds arching one of his eyebrows.

I weigh my options of how to tell Matteo. I could be a little devil and make him worry. Yeah, I'm gonna be evil.

"I'm eating fish!" I shout in all seriousness.

My body lunges forward into my seatbelt as Matteo slams on the breaks. Pulling to the side of the road and shoving the car into park, he whips his head around with panic written all over his face.

"Parker, you can't eat fish! We just went over this!" He frantically shouts throwing his arms in the air.

I watch him unbuckle his seatbelt, likely to come assist me. I decide to drop the act now before things get out of hand.

"Goldfish!" I shout while shoving my bag of salty crackers into his hands.

It takes a second for Matteo to realize I'm simply eating something in the shape of fish, not actual fish.

"I was laughing because I'm allergic to fish but I was eating goldfish. It was ironic." I finally explain.

Matteo lets out a stress filled sigh, looking at me with an are you serious face.

"The snack that smiles back." I sing offering him an overly wide smile.

The ends of his lips curl up into the faintest smile.

"You can't scare me like that, Parks." Matteo says in a lecturing tone.

I mumble an apology as I feel the car being pulled back onto the road. However, I don't miss the cheeky smirk on Matteo's face when I glance at him through the rearview mirror. He totally thought it was funny.


Back at home, I sit at the kitchen counter. Matteo is making me mac 'n cheese as we agreed to a late lunch after my snack. 

Nowadays, I can never get away without eating at least three meals a day. Matteo, being the doctor he is, had been very adamant in building my appetite back up. 

I appreciate the thought, but I feel like I am being stuffed like a pig getting ready to be harvested. I never found an issue with my eating habits before.

Nevertheless, I dig into my steaming bowl as soon as it's slid infront of me. I hum my thanks to Matteo as my mouth is already full. 

He chuckles at my antics while drinking what looks to be like Ares's gross green drink.

"So bambina, Halloween's coming up. Do you know what you want to go as?" Matteo asks breaking the comfortable silence.

I nod my head in excitement as my mouth is still full. Why does he always asks questions after I've already stuffed my mouth?

"Are you going to be cute or scary?" He further questions, taking another gulp of his nasty drink.

I finish my spoonful before responding with scary.

I've put a lot of thought in my costume this year. I have always loved Halloween, it could easily be considered my favorite holiday. Since I didn't celebrate it with James, I eagerly planned my outfit this year. I want to surprise all my brothers.

"Scary, really?" Matteo asks in disbelief.

What's so unbelievable about me being scary? You're supposed to be scary on Halloween.

"Yep, I thought of what everyone thinks is scary and I'm gonna dress like it!" I respond barely containing my excitement. 

I swing my legs back and forth on my stool, waiting for the inevitable question.

"Okay... What are you gonna be?" Matteo finally asks.

I teasingly shake my head, "Nope, it's gonna be a surprise!" 

Matteo face pulls into an over exaggerated pout.

"But, I wanted to help!" He whines.

Never would I thought I'd be seeing my twenty something year old brother sulk about Halloween.

"Well... I do need help getting the things needed for my costume." I mumble more so to myself while scratching my chin in thought.

It's true, the only problem I ran into while planning was actually getting the needed materials. I was too anxious to ask my brothers. But, Matteo is practically begging to be included. 

"I'll let you help, but you have to keep it a surprise, okay?" I say, deciding to trust Matteo's secret keeping abilities.

Matteo walks around the counter, closer to where I'm sitting.

"I promise." He whispers holding out his pinky.

I interlock my pinky with his, but my face pulls into a look of confusion.

"Why are you whispering?" I ask using his same volume of voice.

"Because it's a secret, duh." Matteo whispers with a smile on his face.

I can't help the smile that plays at my lips seeing Matteo take this silly matter so seriously. I watch as Matteo stands back to his full height, rounding the counter to return to his drink.

Picking my spoon back up, I also resume my eating. We both act as if nothing ever happened. I can't wait to surprise my brothers, especially Lorenzo. Keeping secrets is fun.

[word count 1149]

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