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It took little asking from Parker for me to agree to let her come home, however Matteo was a different story

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It took little asking from Parker for me to agree to let her come home, however Matteo was a different story. Yet, even he is not immune to Parker's pleading. If she truly knew the power she held against us, she could get away with anything.

After about a week spent in the hospital, Parker has amazed us all with her speedy recovery, although she still needs to take it easy with her broken arm and concussion.

The plan is she will spend about another week at home before allowing her to return to school.

"But Enzo, I'm fine! Why can't I go to school this week." She pleads with me.

I briefly glance at her through the rearview mirror, as I continue our journey home.

"Parker, we have been over this. You are still not fully healed." I respond sternly.

It is one thing to give into her plea to come home but another to let her back into the public. I'm not letting her go that easy.

"Yes, your burns have healed a tremendous amount but, you are still concussed, in a cast and have stitches." I continue, hoping to make my point.

I watch as Parker's shoulder's slump in defeat.

"I just wanna see my friends." She mumbles dejectedly.

Cazzo, I hate seeing her like this. But, I am overjoyed she has made friends.

"I know, bambina, as soon as you get your stitches out, you can return to school. The week will be up in no time." I tell her honestly.

She doesn't respond, opting to stare out the window instead. 

I love my brothers, I really do

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I love my brothers, I really do. But, they can be a little suffocating. Sometimes I just want to be around people my own age. Being in the hospital, I felt like I couldn't do anything without relying on one of them. I appreciate their help, but I can be independent. Just one more week till I can get back to some normalcy.

As we pull up the ridiculously long driveway leading to our house, I barely wait for Lorenzo to stop before hopping out of the car. Much to my dismay, I have to wait for Enzo to type in the passcode to our house. But, I secretly peek at the passcode - you never know when it might come in handy.

As Lorenzo pushes the door open and steps aside, I'm met with Matteo, Luca and Bruno. Behind them are balloons and a banner that reads 'Welcome Home Parker!'.

I sprint towards the three, wanting to give them a big hug. However, Matteo promptly meets me halfway, scooping me into his arms.

"Hey, you're supposed to be taking it easy." He lightheartedly scolds.

I completely ignore his words, kicking my legs in excitement. Nothing can beat this feeling.

"I am, I promise. I'm finally home!" I respond happily.

Matteo simply clicks his tongue in disapproval, before passing me to my awaiting brothers. After hugs are exchanged, they lead me into the kitchen. There, a delicious looking cake greets me.

A grin rests on my face thinking of the thoughtfulness of their actions. However, as Matteo begins cutting the cake, I glance around the room. Someone is missing.

"Where's Ares?" I question to no one in particular.

Lorenzo opens his mouth to respond but he is cut off by the door to the garage opening. I completely abandon the slice of cake in front of me wondering what all the noise is.

Despite my attempt to beat my brothers to the commotion, they quickly put themselves in front of me as we all make our way through the kitchen to the living room.

"Absolutely not." Lorenzo says, halting his steps.

Dying from curiosity, I force myself around my brothers. I now stand next to Lorenzo with a clear view of the action.

Looking at the entrance to the hallway leading to the garage, my eyes widen at the sight in front of me.

Ares struggles to contain the wild beast known as Ravioli.

"Ravi!" I shriek in surprise.

Hearing my voice Ravi sprints across the room, quickly closing the gap between us. Unlike most people who would be frightened by a one-hundred pound dog rushing towards them, I wait with open arms. I'll gladly let Ravi tackle me to the ground.

But, much to everyone's surprise, Ravi slows to a walk upon reaching me. I drop to my knees and embrace him in a hug. I really missed my furry companion.

"You kept him? Even after I told you not to?" Lorenzo scolds Ares as he enters the kitchen, most likely looking for cake.

The rest of us follow them. I trail in last as I cover Ravi's ears. He doesn't need to hear he's unwanted.

"That dog is the most stubborn creature I have ever met, Lorenzo. He chose me, and he wouldn't take no as an answer." Ares is quick to defend.

I pet Ravi's head affectionately. Good boy.

"Fine, but he's not staying here." Lorenzo sighs, looking at me while I rub the beast's belly.

Ravi has flopped onto his back, giving me access to his belly. I have to talk to Ares about giving him more affection.

"Yeah, that's why he lives at the gym." Ares scoffs with attitude.

My gaze quickly directs to Lorenzo's facial expression - no back-talking is a big rule. He glares at Ares who mindlessly eats a slice of cake. Wait, I thought Ares was a health freak.

"Ares I swear- " Lorenzo begins before being cut off.

I watch as his jaw and fists clench. That's another rule - no interrupting.

"Look, I brought the mutt to visit Parker. She loves the thing, it's supposed to raise her spirits." Ares quickly defends, raising his free arm in defense, the other still holding my cake.

All eyes turn to me as Ravi currently sniffs the heavy plaster cast on my arm. I flash a sheepish grin.

"Spirits raised!" I exclaim.

Lorenzo visibly relaxes looking at my happy face, but redirects a glare back at Ares. I have a feeling their conversation is far from over.

[word count 1031]

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