Chapter 7- "Go Get Her, Wildcat"

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It didn't take Rory long to locate Shaggy and Scooby. Their voices could be heard loud and clear over the noises of the park. That's one of the many, many reasons why Rory liked hanging around the two so much. They beat to the sound of their own drums, not caring what people thought about them. They were free to be as boisterous and as silly as they wished, not having any one's expectations of how they should act hovering over them and holding them down.

Rounding the corner, Rory saw that Shaggy and Scooby had their backs facing her as they were leaving an ice cream stand. They were goofing around, as usual, and were totally oblivious to the set of eyes watching them.


In stealth mode, Rory quickly sneaks up behind the two. She took great care to stay on her tiptoes and not scrape her feet against the asphalt. Inch by inch, Rory got closer and closer to her two unsuspecting victims. She was vaguely aware that Shaggy held not one ice cream cone, but two. She was not going to lose sight of her mission, though, so she dismissed the mystery of the extra dessert.

After a careful approach, Rory had finally reached Shaggy and Scooby. She may or may not have done a ninja move or two on her way. Her eyes darted between the boys, thinking on the spot on how to execute her plan. Her lips curled into a grin as she thought of the perfect idea. Quick as lightning or a cheetah, Rory popped up between the two boys with a shrill scream.

She could have sworn that the souls of the two boys momentarily left their bodies. In turn, they could have sworn that they have lost their eardrums completely. They quickly realized who the culprit was, though, when they heard the well known cackles coming from the girl. Rory was now doubled over with uncontrollable laughter bubbling out of her.

"Not cool man! I almost dropped these ice cream cones!" Shaggy exclaimed.

"Rea, rot cool Rory," Scooby added, trying his best to give the girl a scolding glare. It didn't last long, though. They couldn't stay mad at the brunette for any extended period of time.

Shaggy bumped his shoulder against her when she could stand upright again and handed Rory an ice cream cone. He had snagged one for Rory earlier, knowing she would turn up sooner or later. Rory was pleased to see he got her a single scoop of strawberry, her absolute favorite. Shaggy and Scooby both had three scoops each. The three friends continued walking though the park, chatting with each other happily.

"We will have this case licked in no time!" Shaggy exclaimed as they were entering back into the section of the park that housed the amusement rides. To add emphasis, he gave his ice cream a great, big lick.

"Rea!" Scooby replied.

Rory's attention had been snagged by a particular ride coming up in front of them. Shaggy noticed and decided to humor her and at least get her on one ride, seeing as she hasn't been on one the whole night. He and Scooby had already been on several. "Maybe we should investigate the Rocking Flume," he suggested to the other two.

Rory's eyes lit up, and with a whoop she grabbed Shaggy's hand to drag him over to the entrance ride. He gave out a string of laughter as he was dragged along behind her, with Scooby following closely behind. The trio slowed down and walked up to a cut-out of the Demon, which was used to measure the heights of any riders.

"Your tongue must be this long to ride this ride," Shaggy read off of the sign. Rory and Shaggy proceeded to stick out their tongue, imitating the Demon. They were momentarily discouraged and their shoulders dropped in unison since their tongues were no where near the length of the Demon's. Suddenly, Scooby's tongue came out of nowhere and nabbed both Shaggy and Rory's scoops of ice cream from their cones at the same time.

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