Chapter 15- "Have It Your Way"

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Rory stood in the middle of a grand room, more interested in the faint music she could hear from somewhere nearby than the conversation of the two women with her. One sat on a intricate chair, made out of red rock, like everything else. The other woman held on to a younger version of the hand that belonged to Rory.

"The Crimson Witch seeks to destroy our world, as she does the other worlds of the universe."

Rory turned her attention to the face of the lady that had spoken, that was no younger youthful, but still held a grace above all others.

"She has grown far stronger, stronger than any of us could have ever imagined."

Her mother's voice cascaded over Rory after a moment, bathing her in the comfort that it always seemed to bring. "What do I need to do?."

The older woman, who Rory remembered that everyone called the Elder, turned her gaze to Rory. "As we know, your daughter has shown signs that she will become your predecessor, the next Wielder."

Rory felt her mother's hand tighten around her own. She turned her eyes from the Elder to her mother. Her eyes started to glisten when she saw the look of sadness in her mother's crystalline eyes.

Rory's mother knew of the Prophecy. She hoped beyond hope that it wouldn't come in their time, but long after. But unfortunately fate had other plans. She knew that both her and her daughter were in danger.

"The Witch knows that she needs a Wielder to harness the power of the Rock. Rory is but a child. I fear that the Crimson Witch will see this as an opportunity and come for her. It would benefit the Witch much to use the feebleness of a child rather than try to control a weathered fighter."

Rory's mother could not offer up any idea that would keep Rory safe and by her side. She knew the Crimson Witch would soon come, and Rory would be placed in danger. Rory was still too young, and would not be able to fight against the powers of the Witch. She was much too strong.

"I understand," Rory's mother spoke, "Rory must be kept out of reach of the Witch, I would stop at nothing to keep her safe."

"Even if that means sending her away?"

Rory's mother's breathe hitched in her throat.
She looked down at her child that was clinging tightly to her hand, somehow knowing that her fate was being decided. She bent down to be eye level with her beloved daughter, tenderly moving a strand of hair from her face.

Looking into the eyes of her daughter, and making a decision, she whispered, "yes."

Rory was the most important thing in her life. If being separated from her daughter would ensure her safety, then so be it. Her daughter will live to grow into a beautiful, young lady. She would make friends, and maybe one day find the love of her life.

If all goes how she hoped, she would go back to collect Rory once the Crimson Witch is defeated. Rory would never have to live in fear when she returns to Kissteria.

"Rory, remember how I have always told you that your are my brave, beautiful, warrior?"

Rory's eyes brimmed with tears, that were mirroring the tears that were pooling in her mother's. "Yes, mama."

Her mother delicately caressed her daughter's face, wiping away the tears. "I need you to be brave now. We will not see each other for a long time, and even though we will miss each other, I promise that everything is going to be ok."

Rory did not know what else to do, so she just nodded her head to show that she understood. She trusted her mother, no matter what.

Giving her daughter a small, sad smile, Rory's mother stood back up to face the Elder.

"It is decided. Rory will be taken to a world known as Earth. There, she will be safe. To ensure her protection, Rory will not remember anything about Kissteria, at least until she is ready. This is the only way to keep the Crimson Witch from finding her. As we speak, we are training the next era of Guardians. They will be taught and prepared to protect the Rock of Kissteria. The Witch will be coming soon, so you must be ready. Now go."

With a bow of her head to the Elder, Rory's mother led Rory out of the room, and into the Kissterian night. Beautiful, twinkling stars of every color imaginable filled the skies while music played in their ears. Once out of sight of anyone, Rory's mother brought them to a stop.

"I love you, my brave, beautiful warrior," her mother spoke to her, voice wavering with emotion.

"I love you too, mama."

Her mother leant down, placing a quick kiss to Rory's forehead. The sentiment was laced with all of the love and emotions that she was filling for her daughter in that moment.

Rory closed her eyes as she felt the tingling sensation of Kissterian powers surround her. She didn't know how much time had passed, but when she opened her eyes, in the middle of a road made of asphalt, a colorful, vibrant van was barreling her way.

End of Flashback

Rory came to with a start. Her heart was being erratically, but when she jerked to try to move, she was shocked to find that her body was not responding to her.

Mind still reeling from a memory she had long forgotten, but now remembered, she looked down at her body. A red haze surrounded her, and it somehow inhibited any movement.

Her hands were tightly pressed on each side of the Rock of Kissteria, holding it out in front of her much like one would hold a new pet to observe it.

"Bring it down."

Rory looked out of the corner of her eyes as far as she could in her frozen state. The Crimson Witch floated beside her, eyes of flaming red boring into her green ones.

Rory opened her mouth to inquire what the witch was talking about, when her attention was caught by a gigantic, shimmering yellow and orange dome. They were currently floating beside the dome. Quickly Rory deduced that this dome was a wall, keeping the Witch from reaching whatever was inside.

"I don't know how. And even if I did, I wouldn't help you," Rory hissed at the Witch.

The Crimson Witch's eyes narrowed at the brunette. With a wicked smile, the Witch growled, "have it your way, Wielder."

Suddenly, every fiber of Rory's being felt as though they were blazing with fire. She swore she became aware of every blood vessel and hair follicle in her body.

The Crimson Witch had only been controlling Rory's muscle movement, but digging deeper she was able to control every tiny detail about Rory, even her Kissterian powers that she had yet to unlock herself.

Rory had never felt such pain before, it would have been unimaginable if she wasn't feeling it in that very moment. She tried to be strong, but it became too much. The Rock of Kissteria started blazing brighter once it came into contact with the surface of the dome.

Rory released a pained scream that she knew was ringing her and the Witch's ears from the sheer intensity of it.

Almost as if they heard her cries, KISS and the Scooby-Doo gang burst through a portal aboard a ship. They all instantly heard the anguished scream and instantly zoned in on where her and the Witch were at.

Catman's eyes specifically zoned in on the face of the brunette. He saw from his drum set her face scrunched tight in pain. His stoic face instantly transformed into a feral snarl. The Crimson Witch has dared to bring Rory pain, and he was going to make her pay, one way or a other.


A little bit faster update, but I'm glad to have gotten this far! I started this story with a hint of an idea, and I couldn't be happier with how it has expanded!

I hope y'all are still enjoying <3

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