Chapter 20- "Good Try, Buddy"

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Back in KISSWorld, the park supervisor was on the verge of a complete panic attack. The night as a whole was not going as planned, and it was only getting worse.

KISS! We want KISS! We want KISS!

Sitting in front of the monitors, Manny Goldberg was nearly ripping his hair out. The crowds outside of the park were rioting, wanting to see KISS play in concert as promised. Several of the park employees were stationed inside the gates, failing to calm the state of the surrounding crowd.

The bigger problem was that Manny didn't know where to find KISS.

We want KISS!

One minute they were sleuthing around the park with a bunch of teenagers who were claiming to be detectives, but the next it was like they vanished off the face of the planet. He sent every employee that had not been chased away by the Crimson Witch, or that was not preoccupied by the crowd, to find the missing band, but they all came back empty handed.

We want KISS! We want KISS!

The crowds continued to scream for the band just outside the gates while Manny paced back and forth on the phone, trying to find a way to fix the situation.

"I know the fans want to get in,
but I haven't heard from KISS yet," Manny breathed into the phone. He could not let the crowd in to be met with an empty stage.

With nothing left to say to the person on the other end of the line, Manny hung up his phone and stared at the screens depicting the antsy and hectic concert-goers, who were all decked out in various KISS costumes. It would be devastating to the park to let down that large of a crowd.

"Where are they...?" he quietly asked himself.

Unbeknownst to the supervisor, though, a swirling, bright portal opened up just above the stage, out of view from all of those at the gates. Four men dropped down from a strange ship onto the stage, and the ship and portal disappeared into the night.

Manny's eyes lit up when a familiar voice sounded out over the communication system that kept all of those that worked at KISSWorld in contact with one another.

"We're here, Goldman."

Manny looked to one of the screens and right into the face of none other than the Demon. The Demon then gave Manny one of his signature winks with the tongue flick.

"Open the gates and let the army in," instructed the bass guitarist.

Manny wasted no time in granting the Demon's request. As quick as lightning, he slammed his hand down on the button that would open each and every gate into the park.

KISS fans wasted no time in stampeding into the park and heading to the main stage as they could hear the Demon in the distance.

"We need to rock 'n' roll!"

The four members of KISS got ready to give their fans the biggest, loudest, and greatest concert of their lifetime. And that is saying something.

Catman, Starchild, the Spaceman, and the Demon gave each other one last look before it all went down.

They all four simultaneously wondered how their friends were doing with the Destroyer, and hoped beyond hope that they would see the Scooby gang very soon.

And with that. They began to warm up for one of their greatest songs- "Detroit Rock City."

After all, it was the most accurate one to play for their rock Wielder as she and her friends faced their biggest foe to date.


The Scooby-gang was back in Kissteria as the band geared up for their concert.

Aboard the KISS craft, piloted by Fred and Rory, the gang warily watched the mountain of lava that they were quickly approaching.

The head of the Destroyer was now fully protruding out of the mountain in all his grotesque and frightening glory.

Chills ran down each and even spine as the Destroyer finally opened his mouth to speak. He was definitely a sight to behold, and not in a good way.

"Ha-ha-ha. Yes. Free at last."

Fred and Rory continued to pilot the craft, making sure that not one single piece of debris hit them as pieces of rock were being sent flying from the crumbling mountain. The same mountain that was once the tomb of the Destroyer.

"Free to destroy," the Destroyer continued with his terrifying monologue. "Free to swallow the Earth in evil."

The KISS craft comes to a halt right in the face of the Destroyer. Rory could now clearly see just how small they were compared to the size of the Destroyer. They probably looked like little ants to him.

Did Kissteria have ants?

Rory shook her head to get rid of the random thoughts interrupting her concentration on the matters at hand. She then noticed that Fred was moving to sit back up in his seat, and that he had grabbed a megaphone from seemingly out of nowhere. She knew better than to question where exactly it came from.

Putting it up in front of him, Fred spoke into the megaphone, "not so fast, Destroyer."

Rory leaned over to Fred, proud of his bravery, and whispered to him, "if that don't intimidate him I don't know what will."

Siblings stick up for each other. Well, at least Rory thought so. She never had actual siblings. But it was worth a shot.

Fred had proudly smiled back at the brunette, but their faces quickly dropped when the Destroyer spoke again.

"Out of my way, insolent flea."

"Whoa, he is really big," Fred told his friends. Unfortunately, he had forgotten he had the megaphone, so the Destroyer undoubtedly heard every word.

Rory grimaced as Fred's few seconds of bravado came to a screeching halt.

"Good try, buddy," she said as she patted Fred's shoulder as he slumped.

Done with the duo, Velma yanked the megaphone from Fred's hands so that she could attempt to salvage the situation, at least some of it anyway.

"Make us, bucket head," she hissed into the megaphone.

The eyes of the Destroyer widened at the bespectacled girl, who had the gall to talk to him in such a way.

Before the Scooby gang had reached the Destroyer moments ago, they had unanimously made the plan to lead the Destroyer as close as possible to the concert. This in turn would give him the full affect of the rock music due to proximity.

The way they were going to lead him close? Tick him off so that he chased after them.

Due to the narrowed eyes of the Destroyer, they knew that Velma's words had the desired effect.

Suddenly, the could hear the beginnings of one of KISS's songs reaching across the expanse of Kissteria.

Rory couldn't help but smile to herself when she heard it. She knew the boys' plan would succeed. All they needed to do was give it time.

In a state of utter fury, the Destroyer yelled out in a bone rattling roar, "I hate music!"

The chase was on.


Hi, my dudes!

I have the rest of the sorry mapped out, now all that I have to do is write and flesh it out!

I can't believe that we are so close to the end!

But I have had so much fun writing this. And I have such great support from a few of you <3 (you know who you are.)

Remember to leave likes and comments, and I love all of my readers!!

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