Chapter 24- "I Promise"

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As Catman and Rory settled down, everyone came to a stop. The night was coming to a close and everyone knew it.

Catman addressed the gang, "thanks for helping us keep the park open."

Rory rested her head on top of Catman's with a content sigh as he still held her under her legs.

"And thank you for letting us solve
the mystery with you. It was...interesting," Velma responded to the drummer.

Spaceman then spoke up, making Velma blush much to Rory's amusement . "We couldn't have done it without you."

Rolling his eyes, the Demon figured he needed to add in his thanks as well. He knew he would get teased by his bandmates either way.

"Yeah, I guess you kids are okay after all."

Shaggy and Scooby both perked up at the Demon's words of praise. They had both grown attached to the bass player over the coarse of the night.

The two jumped into the Demon's arms. He had to fight against the natural response to throw them back on the ground.

"Thanks, Mr. Demon. You'll always be the only demon I'll ever like." Those were high compliments in Rory's opinion. She never thought she would hear the day that Shaggy and Scooby would ever say they liked anything scarier than a jack-in-the box.

"Yeah. Thanks, Mr. Demon." Scooby echoed.

Even though he wouldn't admit it, but the Demon had also gained an attachment to the two. Well, more like he loathed them less than most. So he relented. "My pleasure."

"And even though I'll always remain
an Ascot Five man..." Fred began, "we wound up being pretty great partners."

Starchild was humbled by Fred's kind words. "Thanks, Scooby gang. You guys are welcome back to KISS World anytime."

Starchild had one last thing he needed to do. He had made it his own personal mission to get Fred to be upfront and admit his feelings for Daphne.

"Until then, I leave you with a kiss," Starchild said scooping Daphne into a chaste kiss.

The red-head was completely caught off guard, and starstruck. She couldn't even form a single thought.

Fred on the other hand was frazzled, not knowing what to do but knowing he was extremely jealous.

"What are you going to do about that, Freddie?" Rory asked the blonde and pointing at the scene in front of them. She was internally laughing, albeit evenly.

Fred narrowed his eyes at the smirking brunette before taking action. Sort of. "You know, I think she'd settle for a handshake or an autograph. Hello," Fred tried to interrupt the two.

Finally, much to Fred's relief, they broke apart.

"Thank you. I mean, Youre welcome," Daphne managed to get out.

Daphne stumbled over towards Fred in an almost drunk-like walk, with a goofy grin spread across her face.

As she walked past he turned to walk with her, head down, as they made their way out of the park.

"You could have cut that off a little
earlier. It was kind of gross. I mean, I was right there. I was there." Fred managed to confess. He may not have said it out front, but he let Daphne know of his jealousy in his own way.

She was pleased with his confession. She had always harbored feelings for Fred, but he had never given her hints of him feeling the same way, until now.

"I'm sorry. Did you say something, Frank?" she teased Fred.

His head perked back up at her teasing. He saw the coy smile gracing her features as she looked at him. Returning it with a smile of his own, Fred made a promise to himself that he would be real with Daphne from now on. Wouldn't want another rockstar laying kisses on her in the future. That was definitely not fun to witness.

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