Chapter 22- "Like a Marshmallow"

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Catman had to leave Rory backstage, much to the pair's dismay. The crowd surrounding the stage would not be satisfied with just one song. He returned to his drum stand so that the concert could commence.

Rory, on the other hand, left to go search for her unconscious friends in the crowd.

It didn't take her long to spot her friends. They were the only ones in the whole vicinity that were not wearing some form of a KISS costume. Rory was a strong girl, but there was no way she could carry all of them to the infirmary on her own.

The brunette enlisted the help of some of the employees of KISSWorld. In no time at all, Daphne, Fred, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby were all comfortably settled across several cots.

Taking a moment to gather herself, Rory pulled a chair between the feet of Fred and Daphne's cots. Leaning over onto Fred's footboard, the brunette started to tap along to the faint sound of KISS's song "Crazy Crazy Nights" as she laid her chin on her propped up arms.

It felt like no time at all when Rory was woken up from her brief cat nap by the crowds cheering louder than they had all night. It seemed as though KISS was ending their concert.

The brunette sat up and stretched, bones cracking, right before the door to the infirmary swung open revealing the four band members. They had use their Kissterian powers to get from the backstage to the door as quick as possible.

"What's got you all worn out, little heathen? You're acting like you just gave the biggest rock concert in the world."

The Demon cockily caught the shoe hurtling towards his head with a cheese-eating grin. He knew good and well why the brunette was on the verge of exhaustion, but he had to pick and prod anyway.

The comment didn't actually bother Rory in the slightest. She calmly reached out her hand with a smile on her face, prodding the Demon to toss back her shoe, which he did without batting an eyelash.

Starchild looked over the sleeping forms in the cots. He turned to Rory, who he knew was fretting over their well-being. "It's going to be a while before they wake up. Don't worry over them too much, doll. They are going to be ok."

After tonight's events, Rory trusted the guitarist completely. He had never given her a reason to go against believing in him.

They all stood in contemplative silence for a moment, thinking about what the next step should be. There were many factors that needed to be "cleaned up" as a result of the events that had recently occurred.

Knowing that the upcoming conversation with the brunette was going to be a heavy one, the Spaceman perked up with his own version of the game "not it."

"We need to get the Rock from the mountain. Even though the Destroyer is no longer a threat, it is still a powerful defensive relic. It could still be of use to Kissteria in the future."

Knowing what the Spaceman was doing, the Demon added, "us two will go retrieve it." Turning to Catman and Starchild, he gruffly chuckled out a 'have fun' and a wink as he and the Spaceman quickly walked out the door of the infirmary.

Rory turned her head quizzically as the two left, noticing that Starchild was pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance while Catman rolled his eyes at his friends' antics.

"What were they going on about?" the brunette asked the obviously irritated duo.

Catman and Starchild had a staring contest to determine who was going to be the one to break the news to Rory.

They were taking too long for the brunette. She was not the most patient girl in the world. Or universe for that matter.

She waved her hand in front of their faces to break the staring contest that was slowly getting creepy. "Earth to aliens."

The Raging Wildcat {1} (Catman)Where stories live. Discover now