Epilogue- "Kitten?"

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-several months later-

A brunette sat atop of a blue and green van, looking up at the vast amount of stars that twinkled in the night sky.

At the moment, she was sprawled out on her back. Chills ran down her spine as she recalled how similar this situation was to how she had first seen the stars when she woke up on earth all those years ago.

Two of her friends were just below her on the ground, toasting s'mores on a haphazardly made campfire.

After the mystery of the Crimson Witch was solved, the Scooby gang tried to go back to their lifestyle, but it was not the same. The events that took place made every other mystery they embarked on seem boring in comparison.

After a while, they thought that maybe it was time to move on. Don't get anything wrong, the gang always kept in touch. They would never fathom a life without having each other.

Daphne and Fred had finally admitted to each other about their feelings. Now, they were a happy couple that manned their own two-person reality tv show. They traveled all over, debunking ghost stories.

Velma on the other hand followed her passion. She had opened her very own book store, that contained troves of knowledge.

Rory, Scooby, and Shaggy traveled in the Mystery Machine, going wherever the wind took them. Or better yet, wherever Scooby and Shaggy's nose led them.

Rory, Scooby, and Shaggy finally talked about what really took place when they had met KISS all those months ago.

Before they had left KISSWorld, the Demon and the rest of KISS had revealed their powers to the shaggy-haired boy and dog. Rory had no choice but to then let them in on her secret- her and KISS were all from a place called Kissteria.

The two had took the news extremely well. They actually had never believed otherwise, even when KISS and Rory had tried convincing everyone that none of it had been real.

Unfortunately, Fred, Velma, and Daphne still did not know the real story. But it was a choice that had to be made.

Rory still did not know exactly why KISS had decided last minute to let Shaggy and Scooby in on the secret, but she was thankful. It would have been extremely disheartening to have no one to talk to about her secret.

Now, Rory was left pondering on where the band of superheroes could be. At first, she waited patiently for their return, knowing it would be any day.

Soon though, those days passed into months with not a word. Not even from a special drummer.

She tried to be hopeful of their return, but recently doubt had started to seep in. What if they had decided that one night was not enough to form a bond between them and they decided she wasn't worth coming back for?

What if Catman decided they had moved too fast, and he regretted their moments together, however brief they were.

"Rory! Come down here and have a s'more!"

"Rea! A s'more!"

Rory was broken out of her spiraling thoughts by the two goofballs below. A content smile spread across her face as she started to crawl down the side of the van.

She jumped the last little bit to the ground below, nimbly landing on both of her feet.

She walked to sit beside Shaggy, who was holding out his hand with a s'more in it for the brunette. The other hand was busy stuffing a triple decker s'more into his mouth.

The trio sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, just enjoying each others company.

Rory broke the silence after a few moments, though.

The Raging Wildcat {1} (Catman)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon