Chapter 8- "Have Fun, You Two"

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The Scooby gang had carried Shaggy and Scooby to the emergency center that was located within KISS World. The placed each of the two boys on their own cot, where they were still unconscious. Rory stood between their two beds, refusing to say anything about what had happened until the two woke up.

KISS had walked into the room moments after the gang got Scooby and Shaggy settled into the cots. Rory warily watched them in intervals as they stood on the other side of the room from where she was sitting. KISS likewise kept a vigilant eye on the brunette, heedful as to whether or not she would give them away.

"They're still out, " Daphne worried over the two boys who were still asleep.

The tubby man that always happened to pop up whenever he was least wanted shoved a bag of smelling salts into Daphne's face. He claimed that they would be strong enough to wake up the boys, so she bought some with a roll of her eyes, doubtful that they would even work.

Just like Daphne suspected, the salts did nothing. "They're still not coming around," she accused.

"Sorry, no refunds," he smugly responded. By this time Rory has had enough of the annoying man. Velma was quick to shove Rory's extended fist back to her side and led her back into the seat she had originally been perched on. Rory would not have actually hit him, but her actions proved efficient when the merchandise specialist scurried out of the room, getting away from Rory as fast as possible.

The people in the room who also knew that Rory was bluffing tried to hide their snickers at the expense of the frightened man.

"I might have the solution, try this churro I grabbed at the concession stand," Fred said as he held out a churro that he had grabbed from his pocket. Rory did not want to know how long that churro has been sitting in Fred's pocket.

Daphne grabbed the churro from Fred and walked between Shaggy and Scooby. Instantly after holding the churro close to their faces, the two boys instantly started sniffing the air, sensing that a sweet treat was nearby. They quickly found the source of the sweet smell and went to chomping on the churro at separate ends. They finally bumped against each other towards the middle of the churro and immediately woke up from their sleep.

"Hey man, " Shaggy happily exclaimed when he saw Scooby.

"Hi Raggy," Scooby responded to his best pal.

"How do you guys feel?" Daphne asked them after they had exchanged their greetings to one another.

Rory knew what was coming before they even opened their mouths to respond to Daphne. They felt like more food of course. Rory quickly slapped her hands over each of the boy's mouths to quell the series of food related items that came spilling out of each of their mouths. They could go on and on forever about all the different types of food they could eat at any given moment

Giving a look of appreciation to Rory, Fred finally asked the question that Rory was hoping not to be asked, especially before she had a chance to talk to KISS. "What happened?"

Rory opened her mouth to tell Fred an excuse on the fly, but Shaggy beat her to the draw. "Well first we got some ice cream, which Scooby licked away from us. And then there was this smell, which was the stinky witch, and all this running and music and spinning and they saved us. KISS and their superpowers" Shaggy finished.

Rory mentally facepalmed. There was no way that Fred, Daphne, or Velma would believe them with that word vomit of an explanation. Rory hardly believed him, and she had seen it all happen with her own eyes!

"That's right. KISS has superpowers," Scooby agreed with Shaggy.

"Sounds like they spun around one too many times in those drums," Velma concluded. Rory was right, she didn't believe Shaggy's claim at all.

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