Chapter 13- "That Little Doll of Yours"

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Catman's POV

Catman stood silently, staring at the area where the hole, that was actually a tear in the universe, had just been previously at. The same hole that swallowed the girl he had fallen head over heels for.

"Jeepers," he heard Daphne proclaim.

"What just happened?" Fred questioned. He still couldn't quite believe that three of his closest friends had just suddenly disappeared into thin air.

KISS knew that the three teenagers were confused and wary of what was happening. Unfortunately, there was not enough time to explain everything, so they settled for a crash course version of an explanation.

"The Crimson Witch ripped a whole in the universe," Starchild simply said as an answer to Fred's question.

Daphne and Fred looked even more confused than before, while Velma quirked an eyebrow in annoyance. Something was going on, but Velma was positive that there was a scientific explanation to the events that just took place. She would just need to find the right evidence to point her to an answer.

The Demon was getting more impatient by the second. Who knows what was going on wherever Rory, Shaggy, and Scooby were at.

"Activate the dynasty star portal," the Demon instructed his band mates.

"You mean the Ferris wheel," Velma sarcastically retorted. She was done with whatever antics this rock band was pulling. All she wanted to do was find her friends.

Noticing the growing tension, Catman tried to interject a more friendly retort than the Demon was probably about to spew.

"It's actually a portal to the cosmic realm of Kissteria," Catman calmly told the suspicious girl.

He wanted to get to Rory as fast as possible. He knew that he would not feel at ease until she was back with him, and away from the Crimson Witch. Catman believed that she could take care of herself, but that didn't mean he didn't want to be there to ensure her well-being and keep her safe at all times.

Unfortunately for Catman, Velma refused to budge.

"Of course it is," she let out in an exasperated manner.

"Does she have to come?" the Demon asked his band mates while gesturing towards the female genius.

"Does your eye see the future?" Starchild questioned him back. Starchild knew that it wasn't just Rory who was going to play a big part in the next few hours, but the entirety of the Scooby gang. The Demon, by extension, knew this as well.

"Then let's rip this open." the Demon gave in. No one could tell that he was a bit annoyed, though, due to the crazed smile that spread across his face.

The Demon placed his palms together, and then separated them apart, reaching to each side of his body. In doing so, he created a string of fire between his palms that materialized into his bass guitar.

Fred, Daphne, and Velma gaped at the Demon in awe as he started to play the beginning of "I Was Made for Loving You."

Catman gave the Demon a playful, unamused glare, while Spaceman and Starchild snickered at the Demon's sneaky teasing. It was no secret between the band members of Catman's infatuation with the girl they were about to go save.

Following after the Demon's lead, Spaceman waved his hands through the air in a motion that conducted electricity from his fingertips. Just as the Demon's bass guitar materialized from fire, Spaceman's guitar appeared out of the charged electrical bolts.

Beside Spaceman, Starchild's special eye blazed purple as a laser was produced, resulting in the appearance of his well-known guitar. While he did so, he started vocalizing a tune with his bandmates joining in.

The Raging Wildcat {1} (Catman)Where stories live. Discover now