Chapter 11- "Bring It, Baggy Clothes!"

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Starchild led the large, ragtag group to the room that the Rock of Kissteria was previously left in.

While the Demon walked towards the back to retrieve the box, Starchild used the time to set some ground rules over the ordeal. In order to conceal the secret from the Scooby gang for a little while longer, he came up with a cover story as well.

"The Detroit Rock is a very special relic to us. Almost sacred. Only a few people have ever laid their eyes on it, and even fewer have ever handled it." He looked over the teenagers with a stern look, adding to the seriousness of his words.

Rory caught on quickly to Starchild's hidden meaning when he sent a quick wink her way. Stilling herself, Rory got ready for her part of Starchild's plan.

"We find it very important for the Detroit Rock to remain as pure as possible. So, only one of you will take care of it, and in doing so will be the only one that will be able to touch it. No. Matter. What. Now who will that be?" he finished with twinkling eyes.

Rory was quick to jump in. "I will!"

Daphne huffed in humorous jealousy when Rory beat her to the draw. She so wanted to take part in anything connected to Starchild.

Rory sent Daphne a sly grin at the playful glare she was receiving, which was quickly interrupted by Fred ruffling her hair. The Scooby gang didn't think Rory's eagerness was suspicious. She was always eager to help and easily excitable, no matter the circumstance.

The Demon walks back towards the center of the room with the box that held the Rock, effectively catching everyone's attention. Placing it back on the table, the four rockstars gather around the box, much like they had done moments earlier.

Ever the grump, the Demon pointedly looks at Starchild while grumbling, "I do not like this."

Unbeknownst to Rory, he was concerned with the safety of the young Wielder, along with how the upcoming events were going to turn out. KISS as a whole knew that things were about to go down, quick, but they didn't know if it was going to be for the better or for the worst.

"It's going to be fine," Starchild attempted to appease the agitated bass player.

The Demon wasn't going to be easily comforted though, and retorted "How do you know?"

Instead of offering further words, Starchild simply points to his special eye, that he claimed could see the future, or at least parts of it.

"Oy," the Demon breathes out with an eye roll, deciding that Starchild was not going to waver in what he thought was the right thing to do.

Catman and Rory, who had been standing side by side, had been glancing back and forth between the two bickering band members, much like watching a tennis match. Giving a quick glance at Rory, Catman sees her quickly nodding towards the two, giving him a silent nudge to step in and try and help.

With Rory's encouragement, Catman speaks up. "Come on Demon, if we don't stop the witch tonight the park will go under."

Spaceman quickly jumped in, "so let's rock these kids already!"

Stepping back towards the box, Catman, Spaceman, and Starchild placed their palms against the box simultaneously to unlock it once again.

The three, along with the Scooby gang, looked to Demon expectantly as he had not yet placed his hand over the box.

Meeting their stares, the Demon groaned in annoyance. He knew he was outnumbered.

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