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Since then whenever she gets a day off she goes to Mr. Park's office to spend time with Ji-woon. Or even on her working days, she finishes her work early just to spend time with Ji-woon.

Mr.Park felt happy seeing her getting along with Ji-woon so well.

It's been two weeks already since she met Ji-woon. Y/n loves kids a lot which helped her to get along with Ji-woon well.

Although Ji-woon can't speak, through his emotions and small gestures anyone could tell that he is enjoying Y/n's company.

So just like every day, Y/n was playing with Ji-woon. While she was busy playing with Ji-woon Mr.Park called her. She looked up at him as he also faced her.

"Ms. Y/n, there's this thing I've been thinking of telling you..." He said nervously.

"What it is?" She asked.

"You won't be seeing Ji-woon in the office anymore."

Mother ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz