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Jimin couldn't believe that the moment has finally arrived. He got so happy that he teared up.

"Doctor, can I see my wife and child?" He asked trying to hold his tears.

"Yes, you can. We've shifted the patient in her cabin," The doctor said as he walked away bowing to him.

Jimin looked at Ji-woon as Ji-woon did the same. They both smiled and went towards the cabin where Y/n is.

As they entered her cabin Jimin went towards the cradle. He takes a peek at the little baby lying in there & his heart melted right away.

He slowly took her in his arm & finally the tears he was holding all along started falling down. He went near Ji-woon to show him his little sister.

"Ji-woonah, you're a big brother now," He said smiling.

Ji-woon's eyes started glistening.

"Can I?" Ji-woon asked as he pointed at the little baby.

Jimin happily nods and carefully hands Ji-woon his daughter.

While Ji-woon admired his little sister Jimin walked towards Y/n's bed and sat beside her. He took her hand and kissed it.

"You did it Y/n," He said smiling, tears still falling down.

Just then Y/n slowly opened her eyes & smiled weakly.


"Yes, it's me. Our little princess is really beautiful...just like you," He said smiling.

Y/n smiled back and looked in the direction where Ji-woon was.

"Ji-woon is really happy to meet his sister," He said looking at him.

Jimin stood up as he went towards Ji-woon and took her from him. He walked back to Y/n as Y/n took her in her arms.

"Her eyes...they're just like yours," She said smiling.

"And her little nose is just like yours," He said smiling back.

While they were talking Ji-woon ran to them.

"Eomma, appa what will we call her?" He asked curiously.

Y/n smiled as she looked at Jimin and then back at him.

"We'll call her Ji-eun."

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