Chapter 5

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The carved wood doors chronicled the final battle before the territory was acquired by the current alpha lineage. Alpha Marcel, in full lycan form, towers over the defeated Alpha Luca. La Luna Pack was strong and capable, but it's nearly impossible to defend oneself against a beast.

Prevention of lycan domination of wolves lies in the difficulty of producing the next generation. Either through divine design by the Moon Goddess, who authorizes her magic to be granted to both species, or through simple luck, it's difficult for the population to grow. If they were, there might not be any wolves left.

Alpha Marcel got pushed to the left, and Alpha Luca was swept to the right, allowing Alpha Dominic and Sophia passage. Once inside, the doors were closed again, displaying the tenants of lycan law chiseled on the inside.

A parvenu awaited them in his receiving chair. The fine decorations of the settee matching the delicate features of the seated.

Sophia followed her guardian, two paces behind his right arm. She collected as much information as lowered eyes would allow. This room was not off limits but never of interest to her in her previous duties. The colorful tile floor displaying famous battles, real and imagined, passed under her feet. The décor would lead anyone to believe that lycans had never lost a conflict, and maybe they hadn't.

Halting when he did, they were ten feet from an ersatz throne. Dominic dropped his head, and the she-wolf rolled hers to the side, revealing her neck and complying with a deeper submission than her partner offered.

Although the same shades of tan cotton and linen raiment were used for the house staff, her dress had a cut that allowed her mark to be prominently displayed, especially in this position. An alteration made by Peter that included a more formal fit and an offset split with eyelets. Loosely laced, the opening fell wide. The X indicating her title and assignment was exposed through the crisscross pattern and instructed people on how she should be treated and judged.

A clammy hand that slid over the exposed part of her neck was an unnecessary acknowledgment of her presentation. Both visitors were released with its removal.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Sophia. I am Sir Lucas, Curia Regia to King Micah." A warm voice greeted her.

"The pleasure is mine." A proper if not accurate greeting for a formal introduction. His gold tie pin was the right level for her eyes to rest, so she examined it thoroughly. The swirls combine to form his personal mark, a competing symbol to what she wore on her skin.

"Congratulations on your assignment. I understand that you have been expecting this since you were accepted into the pack."

What a politically correct way to say that the only value found in keeping you alive was a combination of your womb and genes.

"Yes, Sir Lucas."

"And are you excited about your title? Alpha Dominic seems to be an attentive and watchful guardian."

"I accept the responsibilities of my title." Trying to stick as close as possible to the guidance, that answer has the least amount of information she could give.

A slow circling of her commenced, but not getting between the two. Not that he could. She was an arm's length from her assignment.

"You are gorgeous, Sophia. You are going to birth beautiful pups."

Statement of fact that doesn't need to be acknowledged or verified.

The clicking of hard-soled shoes lined the king's advisor in front of her. His hand darted out and pushed up under her chin.

Keeping her eyes low, she jumped back and out of his grasp, colliding with the taller, darker, handsomer male behind her.

"Perhaps," came a sharp voice behind her, "If you told Sophia what you are doing and don't touch her unexpectedly, she would not recoil from you."

Lycan Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 1)Where stories live. Discover now