Chapter 26

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Dominic led the way with Sophia centered on his right arm and two steps behind. Beta William and two of the alpha's guards were following as well. The collection of representatives heading to a lovely and awkward dinner with the other alphas, lunas, betas, mates, and guards.

Liam sprinted past the group to get to the door first, opening wide and stepping through into the chattering noises and string music of a sophisticated crowd. Hors d'oeuvres glided through the air, dancing with trays of champagne in a strange performance of service to the opulent party.

A chill went through the receiving group, an interruption to their deal-making and friendly talks where agreements were being struck and affairs being set up. No doubt because the chosen recipient of one of the most significant investments from King Micah just walked into the room, but also because he brought his breeder.

Rumor is that they have an interesting relationship. Not mates, but not simply procreation. Why would she be brought to an event for mates and lunas?

So that the rumor mill would do what it does best and gossip. That's why.

Within thirty seconds, everyone here will know she's here. Within five minutes, the staff servicing the party will know. Twenty minutes tops, everyone in the building will know Alpha Dominic has brought his breeder to an elegant event.

Fuck this crowd anyway. She's too good for them. But they'll get her what she wants.

He hasn't been found even with a sketch of the perp circulated. But he also hasn't left. Why would he with his mate still here? No. He's around. And they'll give him half an hour to get down here and take up a position so he can swoop in when she's left alone.

"Alpha Dominic, Beta William, Sophia, you look elegant as always." The wolf with a pending offer to turn a breeder into a mate, stepped up.

"Sir Lucas, great job on the party as usual," William spoke up with a smile as he grabbed a passing flute. The tray of bubbly circled and presented to Dominic and Sophia before Sir Lucas shooshed the server away. Breeders, after all, aren't allowed to drink alcohol.

"Apologies. Sometimes the wait staff is not familiar with the protocols of different ranks."

"Understandable. They are probably trained on the particulars of alphas, lunas, and betas," Dominic offered his contribution to small talk as he looked around.

Glancing over and away, she was catching everyone's attention. Her hair pulled in front of her right shoulder, leaving her dress hanging off her left and exposing her mark. A tight skirt hugged her hips and dropped to just above her knees. His favorite black heels elongated her shapely legs and lifted her rear to an impossible curve.

Her hooded eyes stayed low, and Dominic caught the annoyance of the King's adviser. The way he sought her attention was understandable. Once you've known the thrill of being the center of her focus, you want nothing more but to earn it back again and again. The poor guy in front of them mistakenly let himself feel that joy, and now he will always crave it.

Maybe when she's luna to Crescent Moon, she can cast her eyes on the admirer again.

Stop. Get through tonight first.

Guests came by to admire and gawk at the brazen breach of protocol. When looking a little too hard, more than one was on the receiving end of a threatening growl. Small talk, which thankfully Will stepped up to the plate to handle, droned on. No doubt picking up her scent and aware of the phase she is about to transition into. All adding to the growing attention they needed for this plan to work.

Separating from their group, sire and breeder made their way to the far wall away from the crowd. With his back preventing an audience, she looked up to him. He couldn't wait until that distance he felt from her, as mild as it was, got squashed with the rejection of her mate.

She nodded and slipped out the door down the hallway towards the ladies' room.

His path took him back to the crowd where he counted one one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand, up to ten. Then it was time for his own exit out a different door that led outside.

Following his exit from the soiree was a quick dash through the night air. He was on his intercept course to meet her and get himself close to her again. She needed to be seen walking to her destination alone, so he had to let her make that trek without him. There were two of his guards looking out for her from their hiding spots, but they weren't him.

Yellow light spilled out of windows so crisp he would not be surprised to hear they were made from actual crystal. Moving along the outer façade of the building, he plowed over lit dirt, dark ground, and hoped he didn't twist his ankle falling into any holes in the lawn. Nothing like getting taken out by a ground squirrel burrow.

He reached his entry point just as the light flicked on inside. The shades were pulled aside, and there she was. Backlit with her stray hairs forming a halo around her head.

She yanked up on the window, releasing it from its hold on the ledge. With the grace of a cat but the bulk of a bear, Dominic pulled himself through the gap and into the room.

An office library. Not the primary one, but a guest office. When you have important guests, you need important rooms to offer to them.

"Do you sense him yet?"

"I... don't know. I feel something, but I haven't felt the bond yet."

Lifting her hips and placing her on the desk, "That will make this easier for us then."

He dropped down and was face to face with her knees. Oh, goddess, what he wouldn't do to have her, fully, right now. This was going to be perfunctory. A performance. This is not ideal.

"I know this is hard, but I need you to warm up to me, love."

Space formed between her thighs, and he reached up, pulling down her underwear. The scent, her scent, permeated his senses. Absorbed through his nose, mouth, his skin. She haunted his veins and surged through his blood.

He took on the challenge of getting his belt unbuckled, his fly down, and palmed his cock until it was out and ready. Even in these conditions, every part of him wanted every part of her, and it showed.

Her eyes were closed. Damn it, if only there was another way.

Fingers moved from wrapping around him to feeling her. Thanks to her biology, she was slick and ready. Her heart wasn't into this, but her body was. This is not the time to drag this out.

Lining up with her core, he slowly pushed forward. Penetrating an area he has been in countless times and, if all works well tonight, will be in countless more times.

She was hot and smooth. Her physical attributes changed as she got closer to her needing. A groan left her mouth that had opened, but her eyes stayed slammed shut.

Jealousy raged up in him. Where was she? Who was she thinking about?

Stop, control yourself. It will take everything you have to not latch into her right now. His blunt tip nestled into the soft, welcoming epicervix, swollen and willing to receive him.

Fuuuuuuck. Just back and forth this.

Her body stiffened, and eyes shot open. Per their previous discussion, he issued an alpha command to hold her still. It's showtime.

Lycan Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 1)Where stories live. Discover now