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Sitting in the Auradon Prep music room before class began was nothing short of sheer chaos. It had Delphina huddling up in her chair next to Audrey when she was just getting used to her classes. Now, here she was, nearly two weeks later, playing the piano chaotically as she and her classmates composed...something.

Calling it a song would be too generous. It wasn't horrifically discordant, but it was also nowhere near harmonious.

It was fun, though. It was definitely fun.

And relieving. It had all changed so fast. One day she was getting stared at and whispered about and now she was a (temporary) cheerleader and a certified genius with a concerning new amount of royal connections.

Delphina laughed, watching kids spin around the room with their guitars and tambourines as she continued playing whatever chords came to mind. A sudden presence bounced up behind her and Delphina shrieked in surprised laughter, only to catch a strong whiff of floral perfume as Audrey began slamming on the keys haphazardly, throwing off Delphina's harmony with wild, discordant notes.

"Stop that!" Delphina snickered, swatting at Audrey's hands, only for her to giggle and swat back. A loud whistle rang through the room and all the instruments stopped, but Audrey remained draped across Delphina's back as all of the students turned to look at Madame Fifi.

"Oh, beautiful, my children! Just beautiful!" She squealed, applauding giddily. "Please, do not let me stop you all! I just need a word with Mademoiselle Tremaine and Mademoiselle Beaumont before we begin class." She motioned to the two girls and Audrey and Delphina glanced at each other in confusion.

Audrey shrugged softly and Delphina hummed as if to say 'how bad could it be?' Audrey removed herself from Delphina's back and both girls stood and made their way over to their teacher as the music and chatter picked up again.

Madame Fifi grinned at both girls excitedly, pulling them both away from the ruckus, into a quieter corner of the room. "Now, as you both know, Family Day is in a few weeks and the Auradon Choir will be performing an arrangement." Both girls nodded before a sense of dread filled Delphina's stomach.

"Oh, god, please don't tell me you want me to join choir." She groaned softly. Audrey shot her a look and Madame Fifi chuckled, shaking her head.

"Non, non. I just want you to perform an arrangement with Audrey." She shrugged, motioning to the princess. Audrey squealed and Delphina whined childishly, throwing her head back.

"But that means people!" Delphina huffed before turning her head to Audrey. "I hate people. You know this."

"But you love me, remember?" Audrey teased, shaking Delphina's arm and making her roll her eyes.

"It would only be one song," Madame Fifi quickly explained. "I have seen the work you and Audrey turn in and it is just...c'est magique! I can only imagine what you could make together." She looked between the girls pleadingly, clearly relying on Delphina's response. Audrey was practically burning holes into the side of her head and Delphina rolled her eyes, squirming under the eye contact and trying to think. Ben and Audrey were the only two people that had ever heard anything she wrote. She had never considered the idea of anyone else hearing them.

After a moment, she huffed and gave Madame Fifi a wary look. "It would just be one song?" She asked slowly. She could hear Audrey fighting back a squeal and the light of excitement that flickered on in her teacher's eyes was obvious.

"Oui. Just the one." She confirmed. Audrey was watching her anxiously as Delphina ran her teeth across her tongue before groaning loudly.

"Oh, I'm gonna regret this. Fine!" Audrey and Madame Fifi squealed at a deafening decibel and Delphina winced, unable to hide her laugh as Audrey threw her arms around her, squeezing tightly before letting go.

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