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Unless there had been an altercation between the entire student body, Varian had no idea why there were so many people trying to crowd into Fairy Godmother's office.

Ben and Chad, both of them still cold, wet, and bloody, didn't seem to understand why there was an eager mob outside of their headmistress's office either.

The closer Varian and the boys got to the office, the more Varian could see microphones and cameras and even a few boom mics hovering over the crowd.

"The press is here." Ben muttered in a mixture of dread and confusion. "Wh-why is the press here?" He and Ben exchanged a wary look as all three of them paused in the middle of the hall.

"I don't know and I don't feel like finding out," Varian muttered, lightly pulling the princes back. "So we're just gonna come back later and–"

"Is that Prince Ben?" A reporter shrieked from somewhere in the crowd, making the entire trio wince softly.


"Son of a bitch."

"Oh, fuck my life."

They were being swarmed a moment later, questions being fired from every direction along with camera flashes that nearly blinded them.

"Your highness! Your highness, please!"

"Did you just get in a fight with Prince Chad?"

"Did you win?"

"What do you have to say about the rumors that you're just using Mal Dracona as a way to cover up your secret relationship with Delphina Tremaine?"

"Oh, for the love of–" Varian rolled his eyes and pushed Ben and Chad forward, beginning to shove his way through the crowd. He didn't know how many times he repeated 'no comment', with Ben and Chad doing the same until they made it to the door of Fairy Godmother's office, shouldering their way inside.

Fairy Godmother's office was crammed full of reporters, still shouting different questions as they crowded around a very overwhelmed King Beast, who was desperately trying to subdue the mob.

"Please, please! I promise I will answer any questions you have at the coronation, but–" His voice, as loud as it was, got drowned out by more questions until a loud thunderclap echoed through the office silencing everyone.

"That is enough!" Fairy Godmother's voice seemed louder than anyone else's and every reporter in the room seemed to shrink back dramatically. The mob parted and Fairy Godmother could finally be seen in the center of the room, eyes glowing as a light blue aura surrounded her body. "If you are not a student, faculty member, or the king himself, you are trespassing on private property! Now, unless you want to spend a night in the Auradon dungeons, I highly recommend lighting a fire under your ass and getting the hell out of my office!"

Reporters were scrambling like mice before she even finished her threat. In seconds, the office was empty again, with only Fairy Godmother, the king, Ben, Chad, and Varian.

And a very smug looking Mal Dracona, who was lurking in the corner of the office, watching the entire debacle go down.

"Christ almighty." Fairy Godmother huffed, eyes returning to their normal hue as she turned to Mal with barely concealed rage. "Miss Dracona, while I appreciate your eagerness to meet the king, it would be best if you could not alert four different news networks of his being here." She scolded the girl, who barely seemed to be paying attention. Instead her eyes were scanning the room as if she was searching for a hidden area of the room.

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