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NOTE: OK, ignore this if you want bc I just need to rant for a minute to someone before I publish this chapter and my friend isn't available but ohhhh my god I'm about to throw myself off the nearest goddamn cliff. So last Monday, I went to Ulta and I realized later that night that I couldn't find my debit card in my wallet. I went back to Ulta the next day and they didn't have it so I promptly canceled my card and ordered a new one. Since then, I've been stalking my mail like the incarnation of Joe fucking Goldberg to get this new damn card and today, in the Dollar General parking lot, while I'm looking for an extra quarter so I can afford toothpaste and a mother's day card, GUESS WHERE THAT LITTLE FUCKER WAS????? In the one section of my wallet I didn't check bc I've only ever used that bitch to hold extra coins. I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THAT SHIT WAS UNZIPPED. I DON'T KNOW HOW MY CARD GOT IN THERE. Long story short, I canceled my card for no fucking reason, therefore I will be ending my subscription to life effective immediately. Thank you for listening, don't be like me, and happy reading. 


Delphina first heard about Cinderella when she was five. Her grandmother had dragged her and Anthony off to the run-down markets of the Isle to use them as bag carriers. Delphina and Anthony were struggling to keep up with their grandmother, lacking the leg length and upper body strength to remain upright when the trio was stopped by a horrified voice.

"Good heavens, Madonna! What on Earth are you doing to those children?" The Queen of Hearts had caught a glimpse of the fatigued children and was now staring at Lady Tremaine, visibly disapproving.

Lady Tremaine only sniffed, raising an eyebrow at the former queen as she scrambled to set down the trinkets she was examining and rushed over to the family. "I am not 'doing' anything. They are simply carrying my bags." Delphina's grandmother casually explained. The Queen of Hearts only gave her a disgusted glare before turning her attention back to Anthony and Delphina, removing the bags from their arms and setting them down nearby. The siblings nearly collapsed in relief as the Queen managed to locate a pair of crates stacked next to a stand.

Lady Tremaine watched the entire ordeal, scoffing softly. "Don't tell me you've suddenly developed a conscience, your majesty." She drawled out the title mockingly, and the Queen of Hearts clenched her jaw, pausing as she glared at the older woman over her shoulder.

"We may be mad in Wonderland, but we do not brutalize children." She spat, helping Delphina and Anthony to sit down. "Quinton, come sit with your sister." A small head peeked out from behind the Queen's skirts and Delphina instantly recognized the black and red hair of her half brother, Quinton Hearts. He heeded his mother's order, quickly shuffling over to sit next to Delphina, offering her and Anthony small smiles.

Before any of the children could truly greet each other, Lady Tremaine scoffed mockingly. "You don't brutalize children?" She echoed doubtfully. "I suppose all that business with Alice was just a misunderstanding, then?"

The Queen of Hearts froze as she was smoothing out Delphina's hair and wiping dirt from Anthony's face. A crazed look entered her eyes and Delphina saw Quinton's eyes widen with dread.

"Oh, no." He muttered, trying to tug Delphina closer to him.

"Alice," The Queen began softly, her voice dripping with rage. "Was an outsider." The sudden switch in demeanor sent a shiver down Delphina's back. She had heard about the woman's fragile temper and how the smallest detail could set her off. It had never clicked for Delphina how fast that set-off could be until now.

"She was a filthy, blonde wench that had no business in my gardens or in my kingdom!" The Queen continued, her voice raising and gaining stares from everyone in the market. "She thought she could just traipse about and ruin my roses and humiliate me during my croquet game!" The Queen cackled maniacally and Delphina curled closer to Quinton in fear. "I should've taken her head the second I had the chance!" She shrieked, before turning her psychotic gaze onto Lady Tremaine, glowering. "And I should take yours for daring to bring her up in my regal presence! Off with your head! Off with it, I say!" The Queen continued screeching hysterically, though no one was taking her seriously. Delphina could tell that her grandmother was severely regretting bringing up the Queen's blonde nemesis.

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