XV , Breathe

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Warni sat there dumbfounded and sweating. His chest tightened and heart ached so bad he could've sworn they'd just been stabbed. Any anger they felt for being shut out was nothing in comparison to the sorrow.


He took a slow sip of his Monster and started typing.

[ Warni : Heart, what's wrong? ]

[ Warni : You don't have to shut me out ]

[ Warni : please don't shut me out ]

[ Warni : I'm here for you ]

[ Warni : please let me be here for you ]

Slowly, they started to feel pathetic for the spam messages. Pathetic for receiving no answer. Pathetic for not being able to help someone they...

How did he feel about you?

Warni hadn't stopped to think about it. They'd been fond of you since day one, more than any of the others. Warni knew the two of you meshed well. The way you flirted and he screamed, somehow it worked. Even if he didn't show it.

'Cuteness aggression'. That's what they called that overwhelming sensation he felt when he saw you. He'd wondered about it one day. About how just hearing your laugh made him want to squeeze you so tight the oxygen left your lungs. How the way you said 'Warni' made him want to scream until his vocals gave out.

Warni sucked in a breath.

[ Warni has invited you to a group ]

Circute looked over. "Woah, omg!!! Okay okay, I gotta go chat!" Circute clapped her hands together and bowed her head. "I'm so super sorry! Something urgent just came up!! I promise I'll make it up to y'all!"

[ Warni has invited you to a group ]

Claristo's laughter died on his tongue. "You get that too?"

"Yeah." Kurobo replied.

"We should end, right?"


"Okay, you heard the man." Claristo looked to the webcam. "Sorry to cut it off but something just came up."

[ Warni has invited you to a group ]

Covestry picked up her phone and stared at the screen. Her eyes narrowed a bit and a brow rose. "Warni... Making a group? That's odd..."

[ Circute joined the group ]

[ Claristo joined the group ]

[ Kurobo joined the group ]

[ Covestry joined the group ]

Parasocial // Yanderes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now