chapter 6 : the new student council president

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Another interesting meeting happened today , Angie proved that she's smarter than what she lets on with her deal with Atua and getting people to join her cult

I don't think it's a bad idea to just agree with what she said about not leaving the academy and just living happy here..

But i doubt the others would of let it go easily

Within seconds, maki came and started arguing against the existence of the students president group and trying to calm us down the ones who don't agree with Angie ideas

Actually, she's doing her job pretty well

Kaito : that's awesome maki! I knew you had it in you !

Kokichi : oh, c'mon wasn't she gonna stay in her room and never go out? What changed  now?

Kokichi : or are you really planning to kill one of us?

Miu : that bitch!

Gonta: No fighting please!

Angie : Atua said no fighting will be allowed and no negative thoughts will be needed while you stay here it will only make it harder after all

Shuichi : harder?

Tsumugi : harder..i can't-

Miu : Aaahh! Harder!

Keebo : what?

Kaito : cut it out kokichi!

Maki : it's fine..just do whatever you want and i won't get in your way but still..

She looked at me a bit..

Maki: nothing..good bye

Kaito : what?

Kiyo : it seems like she won't see the flashback light with us after all

Kokichi : forget it, c'mon! I wanna see it!

No one is trusting her

..but even so..she's still an important piece

The members of the student president






And lastly

Angie yanaga..

And one of those people -

Is the mastermind-

Back on the Ship

Horikita point of view

" Announcement to all students of class 1-D , One student won't be able to arrive due to an illness "

The loud sound from the speakers stopped

As i was sitting in my room, i started thinking..

Yesterday , Hirata couldn't find where ayanokoji went to

Many of us went looking for him..

And yet, nothing

Then, the teacher came up to us and told us not to worry

But i am worried

The new special test is as hard as i expected

I'm in earth group, and our task is to figure out who's the VIP at least that's what those who aren't the VIP should be doing

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