Chapter 8 : daily life

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As the students entered their dorm rooms and closed the doors behind them, the building grew quiet and still, as if the world around them had come to a pause. Each student was lost in their own thoughts, quietly processing the events that had taken place. There was a sense of melancholy in the air, as the memory of Ayanokoji's death still hung heavy in their minds.

Some students began preparing for the evening's night time activities, while others simply laid in bed, staring silently up at the ceiling. Most students were too emotionally drained to do anything except lie in bed and think, and some of them even found themselves crying silently as they remembered Ayanokoji's death.

The students' reactions and emotions varied greatly due to their individual personalities, but there was a unifying sense of despair and somberness that pervaded throughout the dormitory.

While some students chose to remain in their rooms and process their thoughts and emotions, others went about their nighttime activities as usual. Some chose to explore the school grounds and get their minds off of the situation, while others decided to relax and chat with their friends in the common room.

After the shocking and traumatic event of Ayanokoji's death, the students found themselves reacting and dealing with the situation in different ways. Many of them still felt stunned and overwhelmed, while some chose to try and ignore what had took place and act as if nothing had happened.

There's no denying that Kokichi's reaction to Ayanokoji's death was different from the other students' reactions.

Unlike the majority of his classmates, Kokichi seemed indifferent and unfazed by the tragedy that had taken place. Instead of dwelling on his sadness or grief, Kokichi decided to make light of the situation and poke fun at the other students's reactions.

While this may have come across as uncaring and insensitive, it is part of the complex and contradictory nature of Kokichi as a character.

Kokichi's lack of empathy for the death of his fellow student seems to stem from his overall nihilistic attitude and his belief in the meaninglessness of life. He has a cynical outlook on life and sees no value in forming emotional attachments to people, as he sees them as mere disposable pawns in his game. This pessimistic outlook has left Kokichi detached and indifferent to the emotional suffering of those around him, including the death of his classmate.

On a deeper level, Kokichi's indifference to the death of others may be a mask he puts up to hide his own vulnerabilities and fears. He presents himself as a tough and uncaring individual, but his actions often suggest that there is more to him than meets the eye. Some of his actions show a deeper depth of character that is hidden beneath the surface, hinting at a vulnerable side that Kokichi tries desperately to hide.

"I wonder what that little bastard is going to do?"

Kaito's thoughts were interrupted when he heard someone approaching his room. Looking out the window, he saw Kokichi walking towards his room with a smirk on his face.

Kaito's heart started beating faster as he realized what was about to happen. He was ready to confront Kokichi and didn't care about the consequences anymore.

He watched as the little shit was getting closer and closer as he walked up to his room.

He was ready to punch that bastard in the face as soon as he stepped inside the room.

Kaito could feel his fists shaking and his hands clenching into fists as he waited for the moment when they would finally see eachother again. Kokichi was almost at his door now ...

The moment Kokichi opened the door, he was ready to take a full-on blow at him.

Kaito's fist quickly reached for Kokichi's face in a punch that was intended to knock him out cold.

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