Chapter 20 : The rooftop investigation

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3nd person view point

Kaito :" Hey! Maki look! Look! It's snow!"

Kaito :" snow! Maki roll! It's snow!"

Maki :" Huh?"

Maki :" are you a dog?"

Tsumugi :" it feels cold here..can avatars feel cold too!?"

Shuichi :" it seems so"

Keebo :" how about we start by investigating this rooftop?"

Shuichi :" let's do it"

Tsumugi :" it's so cold-"

Tsumugi :" i feel like I'm going to catch cold being in such a light clothes -"

Tsumugi :" oh wait, maybe we can't catch cold as avatars?"

Tsumugi :" but I'm definitely feeling cold!-"

People were told that they were going to be splashed by hot water but cold water was used instead-

Their minds were so convinced , their bodies reacted as if the water was boiling

Tsumugi saw shuichi saihara using mounted binoculars

Shuichi :"Huh?-"

Tsumugi :" what's wrong?"

Shuichi :" why did the binoculars stop there?"

Maki :" How can you get so excited over snow?-"

Maki :" Your not a kid anymore"

Kaito :" Maki roll! Men are..."

Kaito :" Living things that must cherish Thier playful heart! If they lose that they will age!"

Maki :" But you said before that if they lost their curiosity , they will age"

Kaito :" Yeah! That's very important!-"

Kaito :" a man got a lot to remember! Isn't that right bro?"

Shuichi :" Oh uh-"

Shuichi :" i don't know how to respond to that"

Keebo :" from up here we can observe everything quite clearly -"

Keebo :" Btw shuichi did you examine all of the places that caught your eyes?"

Shuichi :" Yeah but there wasn't many points of interest "

Tsumugi :" Aaaahhh! It's really cold..i really didn't think it would be snowing"

Maki :" Snow and a mansion...-"

Maki :" how ominous-"

Maki :" Great job, killing game simulator "

Kaito :" we aren't leaving any footprints around-"

Kaito :" what's up with that?"

Maki :" it was programmed like that, it would be too easy to find the culprit from the footprints "

Shuichi :" We are cleared here , let's investigate elsewhere "

After few minutes of walking in the cold snow

Kaito :" There is no bridge?"

Tsumugi :" how are we supposed to walk from here?"

Maki :" don't tell me that we will have to swim?"

Shuichi :" can we even go though the river in this virtual world?"

Tsumugi :" only kokichi would know.."

Maki :" But he abandoned us and now his elsewhere doing whatever he wants"

Kaito :" let's forget about him right now-"

Kaito :" let's think of what we can do right now!"

Keebo :" i think, i can see a signboard over there"

Tsumugi :" That's right! We can use it to walk!"

Kaito :" Right, objects can't break here-"

Maki :" who should go and get it?"

Everyone looked at each other but in the end , everyone stared at saihara Kun

Shuichi :" Huh? Me?"

Maki :" Go and get the signboard"

Shuichi :" Huh?! Why me?"

Maki :" You always looked so pleased when kaito giving you orders"

Shuichi :" Pleased!?"

Maki :" But you seemed happy as a sidekick, maybe you are just into that sort of thing"

Tsumugi :" ah..-"

Tsumugi :" so you're like that shuichi?"

Is that pity I'm sensing?

Keebo :" I didn't had such unique...proctivities.."

Keebo :" should i re- evaluate how i perceive you?"

Shuichi :" No, thank you"

What's going on..

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